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To effectively remove cladding light in high power systems, cladding light strippers are used. We show that the stripping efficiency can be significantly improved by bending the fiber in such a device and present respective experimental data. Measurements were performed with respect to the numerical aperture as well, showing the dependency of the CLS efficiency on the NA of the cladding light and implying that efficiency data cannot reliably be given for a certain fiber in general without regard to the properties of the guided light.
We will describe the design and the characterization of the High-Power Focus Mirror. The mirror setup is based on a unimorph concept using a piezoelectric actuator and a thin glass substrate with a highly reflective multilayer coating. An integrated copper layer improves the heat dissipation. Providing maximum stroke, as well as excellent dynamic properties, the deformable mirror substrate is mounted by our established compliant cylinders [1].
Furthermore, we investigate the incorporation of the High-Power Focus Mirror into a commercial laser-cutting system. We set up a laser-cutting test bench including a multimode laser source, the focus mirror, a commercial laser processing head, and measuring instruments. In this assembly, we measure the achievable focus position range as well as the laser beam quality.
With this focus mirror, we want to encourage new, innovative high-power application fields in 3D laser processing such as laser cutting, welding, and structuring.
Different coating options were evaluated in order to provide the necessary high reflectivity and a satisfactory laser damage threshold for ultrashort laser pulses in the few ps to fs regime at λ = 1030 nm. High-reflective metal layers enhanced by dielectric HfO2/SiO2 stacks were found to be the most advantageous coating option due to their comparatively small thickness and measured damage thresholds above 1 J/cm2@8ps.
For the UXO scenario a mobile directed energy laser demonstrator for humanitarian mine and UXO clearing based on fiber lasers is presented. Based on the parameters the system concept including the cooling system, power supply and the integration into the armoured vehicle TM 170 are explained. The contribution show first experiments of UXO and IED clearing.
Different technical approaches to achieve laser power in the 100 kW regime combined with very good beam quality are discussed to fulfil the requirements of the CRAM and Air Defence scenario. Spectral coupling and the beam superimposing both are performed by Rheinmetall Waffe Munition.
At the spectral coupling the basic technology parameters for the fiber laser and the dielectric grating as the latest results were put into context with the power levels reached at other groups.
For the beam super imposing technology the basic experiments regarding the tracking capability and compensation of the atmosphere on the test range at Unterlüß will be explained.
A generic 10 kW Laser Weapon Demonstrator based on 2 Laser Weapon Modules (LWM) from RWM each 5 kW fiber Laser with beam forming and tracking integrate by the team of RWM and RAD (Rheinmetall Air Defense) into a Ground based Air Defend system consisting of Skyguard and Millenium turret are presented.
The flight path of the UAV within the valley of the life firing range at Ochsenboden Switzerland is shown. Selected results of the successful tests against UAV’s are presented. It shows the capability of the generic 10 kW Laser Weapon Demonstrator to track and to destroy the target.
From these results the next steps of Rheinmetall Waffe Munition for a 100 kW class laser weapon are explained.
High-average power optical demodulation of a fiber amplified phase modulated single-frequency signal
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