Presentation + Paper
4 October 2022 Activator-doped Hg2Br2 as next generation high performance scintillator for high energy physics research and other scientific and imaging applications
Henry Chen, Joo-Soo Kim, Priyanthi M. Amarasinghe, Siva R. Swaminathan, Julie Q. Wen, S. Kutcher, Sudhir Trivedi
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Existing COTS inorganic scintillators all have the characteristic of being very good at certain desirable properties, but not sufficient at other desirable properties for HEP. The demand for suitable scintillators (with regards to both scintillation detector properties and suitable pricing), to be used for modern intensities frontier (Mu2e-II), energy frontier (High luminosity large hadron collider) and future e+e- collider projects (aimed as Higgs bosons factory, such as the International Linear Collider (ILC) and the Future Circular Collider (FCC) are putting even higher challenges on crystal scintillators. In this work, we report the development of a novel high-performance scintillators that can address the issues associated with existing scintillators, the activator doped Hg2Br2. Initial results are very encouraging on the detection of gamma and alpha particles using a solid-state photomultiplier (SSPM). The responses have been stable and repeatable. Hg2Br2 also has many advantages over existing COTS scintillators such as: high density, bright, fast, good energy resolution, no intrinsic radiation, radiation hard and cost-effectiveness. We present here why Hg2Br2 is the next generation scintillator for high energy physics experiments as well as other scientific and imaging applications such as planetary science and medical imaging.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Henry Chen, Joo-Soo Kim, Priyanthi M. Amarasinghe, Siva R. Swaminathan, Julie Q. Wen, S. Kutcher, and Sudhir Trivedi "Activator-doped Hg2Br2 as next generation high performance scintillator for high energy physics research and other scientific and imaging applications", Proc. SPIE 12241, Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XXIV, 1224102 (4 October 2022);
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