1.IntroductionAt the Institute of Optics, University of Rochester (UR), we have adapted to the main challenge (the lack of space in the curriculum) by developing a series of modular 3-hour experiments and 20-min-demonstrations based on technical elective, 4-credit-hour laboratory course “Quantum Optics and Nano-Optics Laboratory” (OPT 253/OPT453/PHY434), that were incorporated into a number of required courses ranging from freshman to senior level [1]. Since 2006 up to May 2021, more than 800 students passed through the labs with lab reports submission (including students of Rochester Monroe Community College) and more than 250 students through lab demonstrations. This facility and its program were supported by four National Science Foundation grants [1]. 2.Basic Class “Quantum and Nano-Optics Laboratory”In a basic undergraduate class OPT 253 and its graduate version OPT 453/PHY434 (with additional assignments), four teaching labs were prepared on generation and characterization of entangled and single (antibunched) photons:
Manuals, students’ reports, presentations, lecture materials and quizzes starting from year 2006, as well as some NSF grants’ reports are placed on a website http://www.optics.rochester.edu/workgroups/lukishova/QuantumOpticsLab/. 3.Introduction of Mini-Labs on Quantum Optics to Other ClassesA short, three-hour lab versions of “quantum” labs from the OPT 253 class were developed for the students with diverse backgrounds. Some new experiments in quantum optics were introduced as well. For instance, for a required OPT 204 lab class for juniors/seniors Sources and Detectors, a single-photon interference lab from OPT 253 was included, but in stead of a EM-CCD as a detector, a CMOS camera was successfully used. In two other labs of this OPT 204 class two new quantum optics experiments were introduced (see Figure 2): (1) Calculation of sizes of colloidal nanocrystal quantum dots from spectral measurements using Schrödinger equation (Figure 2, left), and (2) Photon statistics measurements from a pseudothermal source and a laser. 4.Freshmen Research ProjectsIt became a tradition, that every year freshmen from the OPT 101 class “Introduction to Optics” of Wayne Knox and later of Thomas Brown use “quantum” facility for their research projects. One year (2010) 16 freshmen from different departments were attracted by the word “quantum”. Three freshmen groups with three different ten-hours projects on fragile equipment were led by three experienced quantum optics Ph.D. students. Even during a Pandemic (Fall 2020) OPT 101 students carried out their project on entanglement and Bell’s inequalities. 5.Dissemination of Results to Other Universities
Acknowledgements:The author acknowledges the support by the NSF Awards ECS-0420888, DUE-0633621, DUE- 0920500, EEC-1343673, the University of Rochester Kauffman Foundation Initiative, Wadsworth C. Sykes faculty Engineering Award, the Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences (University of Rochester), and the Spectra- Physics division of Newport Corporation. The author also thanks C.R. Stroud for support and collaboration, P. D’Alessandris for collaboration, W. Knox and T. Brown for collaboration with freshmen projects, P. Adamson and E. Herger for their help, J. Choi and A.K. Jha for their contributions to entanglement setups, L. Bissell for his help with a single-photon source setup. References:S.G. Lukishova,
“Quantum optics and nano-optics teaching laboratory for the undergraduate curriculum: teaching quantum mechanics and nano-physics with photon counting instrumentation,”
in 14th International Conference on Education and Training in Optics & Photonics (ETOP),
(2017). Google Scholar