Poster + Paper
28 November 2023 Research of the non-cemented wide-spectrum lens design possibilities
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Conference Poster
The operation of an optical system in a wide spectral range is an essential characteristic of modern research instruments. This is especially true for systems for studying objects, access to which is difficult or short-term. Work with such objects often takes place in conditions that are far from laboratory ones, including temperature differences, which at certain values make it unacceptable to use cemented optical elements. In turn, cemented doublets are a classic of chromatic aberration correction, which are the larger, the wider the required spectral range. The paper describes approaches to the selection of glass combinations for optical systems operating in the spectral range of 0.3…1.06 μm for temperature ranges of 5 °C…45 °C, -10 °C…50 °C, -50 °C… 80 °C. Linear expansions of materials and chromatic aberrations correction methods are studied. The results were obtained due to design experience of a wide-spectrum lens with a focal length f'=20 mm and F/# of 6.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. Uvarova, A. Bobe, A. Voznesenskaya, and A. Bakholdin "Research of the non-cemented wide-spectrum lens design possibilities", Proc. SPIE 12765, Optical Design and Testing XIII, 127651B (28 November 2023);
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Lens design


Chromatic aberrations

Design and modelling

Aberration correction


Magnesium fluoride


Automation design of cemented doublet
Proceedings of SPIE (September 23 2015)
Hybrid achromatic spectacle lens
Proceedings of SPIE (November 21 2003)
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Proceedings of SPIE (April 13 1989)

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