11 October 2023 Research on distributed radiation source collaborative localization technology based on unmanned aerial vehicle platform
Bochang Yu, Xiao Li, Qi Chen, Haixu Wang, Guidao Lin, Jingjing Fan
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Proceedings Volume 12800, Sixth International Conference on Computer Information Science and Application Technology (CISAT 2023); 128006N (2023)
Event: 6th International Conference on Computer Information Science and Application Technology (CISAT 2023), 2023, Hangzhou, China
Distributed collaborative reconnaissance and positioning of radar radiation sources within a certain target area using mounted electronic reconnaissance payloads is an important application scenario for multiple unmanned aerial vehicle platforms, especially small-scale unmanned aerial vehicle platforms. This article is based on the principle of distributed multi-station collaborative reconnaissance and positioning, and analyzes the impact of factors such as baseline length between drone platforms, time difference between radiation sources and drone platforms on collaborative positioning accuracy. In addition, for the application scenario of multiple drone collaborative reconnaissance, simulation analysis is conducted to investigate the impact of increasing or decreasing the number of drones on collaborative positioning accuracy. The simulation results show that the longer the baseline distance between drone platforms, the higher the accuracy of arrival time difference measurement, and the higher the positioning accuracy of ground radar radiation sources; Research on the robustness of distributed drone collaborative positioning shows that the more drones there are, the higher the collaborative positioning accuracy. However, when the number of drones exceeds 6, the collaborative positioning accuracy tends to a certain value. On the contrary, the fewer drones there are, the lower the collaborative positioning accuracy. When the number of drones is less than 3, the three-station time difference positioning cannot be performed. The research results of this article can provide theoretical guidance for the practical application of collaborative reconnaissance and positioning of multiple unmanned aerial vehicle platforms.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Bochang Yu, Xiao Li, Qi Chen, Haixu Wang, Guidao Lin, and Jingjing Fan "Research on distributed radiation source collaborative localization technology based on unmanned aerial vehicle platform", Proc. SPIE 12800, Sixth International Conference on Computer Information Science and Application Technology (CISAT 2023), 128006N (11 October 2023);
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Unmanned aerial vehicles


Computer simulations



Reconnaissance systems

Time metrology


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