Presentation + Paper
3 April 2024 Self and mixed supervision to improve training labels for multi-class medical image segmentation
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Accurate training labels are a key component for multi-class medical image segmentation. Their annotation is costly and time-consuming because it requires domain expertise. In our previous work, a dual-branch network was developed to segment single-class edematous adipose tissue. Its inputs include a few strong labels from manual annotation and many inaccurate weak labels from existing segmentation methods. The dual-branch network consists of a shared encoder and two decoders to process weak and strong labels. Self-supervision iteratively updates weak labels during the training process. This work aims to follow this strategy and automatically improve training labels for multi-class image segmentation. Instead of using weak and strong labels to only train the network once in the previous work, transfer learning is used to train the network and improve weak labels sequentially. The dual-branch network is first trained by weak labels alone to initialize model parameters. After the network is stabilized, the shared encoder is frozen, and strong and weak decoders are fine-tuned by strong and weak labels together. The accuracy of weak labels is iteratively improved in the fine-tuning process. The proposed method was applied to a three-class segmentation of muscle, subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue on abdominal CT scans. Validation results on 11 patients showed that the accuracy of training labels was statistically significantly improved, with the Dice similarity coefficient of muscle, subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue increased from 74.2% to 91.5%, 91.2% to 95.6%, and 77.6% to 88.5%, respectively (p<0.05). In comparison with our earlier method, the label accuracy was also significantly improved (p<0.05). These experimental results suggested that the combination of the dual-branch network and transfer learning is an efficient means to improve training labels for multiclass segmentation.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jianfei Liu, Christopher Parnell, and Ronald M. Summers "Self and mixed supervision to improve training labels for multi-class medical image segmentation", Proc. SPIE 12927, Medical Imaging 2024: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 1292704 (3 April 2024);
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Education and training

Image segmentation

Adipose tissue


Data modeling

Medical imaging

Computed tomography

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