1 September 1990 Synthetic discriminant function filter performance evaluations
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Synthetic Discriminant Functions have had several different names over the last ten years of their development from the earliest type called linear combinatorial filters to one of the latest versions called the minimum average correlation energy filter. The ten years of development produced many different variations and efforts toward significant advancement over two dimensional matched filters. Most of this filter development was oriented toward optical implementations however the test results presented here are selected from many filters tested digitally and are considered exemplary of the major types for use in both optical and digital implementations. 2. SDF Development Stages We categorize three major stages in SDF development each of which is considered an improvement over the Standa SDF using N training Images d long previous one. The original or first SDF where d " N. method is a linearly combined reference N set'' using the technique outlined In h . a. . SDF filter Figure 12. liii The limitation of this original T v approach Is that the correlation surface is 1 not guaranteed to be anything specific or N T N defined except at the registered position. In 1 a X1 X V1 a A j123 - - - N other words there is no control over the Ri i1 output correlation surface except at one point. This result is of course in general . much different than matched filter would a R V produce and was not very useful until phase encoding schemes were introduced. 3 The values of v1 t The are the training Images. The phase only encoding shown in ______________________________ Figure 2 and the binary phase encoding Figure 1 produce dramatically improved results. 110 / SPIE Vol 1297 Hybrid Image and Signal Processing /1(1990)
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
S. Richard F. Sims and Jonathan A. Mills "Synthetic discriminant function filter performance evaluations", Proc. SPIE 1297, Hybrid Image and Signal Processing II, (1 September 1990); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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Filtering (signal processing)

Signal processing

Detection and tracking algorithms

Image filtering

Binary data

Electronic filtering

Interference (communication)


Multistage, higher-order SDF filters
Proceedings of SPIE (September 01 1990)
Review Of Synthetic Discriminant Function Algorithms
Proceedings of SPIE (February 08 1989)

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