Presentation + Paper
7 June 2024 Using foundational models to bridge the synthetic-measured gap
Jeremy Cavallo, Edmund Zelnio
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Due to the differences in the statistical distributions of synthetic versus measured synthetic aperture (SAR) images, it is difficult to train a deep learning model on synthetic images to accurately classify measured images. This research utilizes the enormous computing power required to train foundational models. and approaches the problem from a transfer learning perspective. Since foundational models have been trained on 10’s of billions of images, they have feature extraction capabilities far beyond what is possible with standard computational restrictions and greatly reduced data availability. Therefore, we utilize the foundational model’s feature extraction capabilities and transfer them to the synthetic-measured gap problem. The hypothesis is that the very rich features resulting from the foundational models trained almost exclusively on EO images can be transferred to the SAR classification problem using synthetic SAR data for training while minimizing the need for measured SAR data.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jeremy Cavallo and Edmund Zelnio "Using foundational models to bridge the synthetic-measured gap", Proc. SPIE 13032, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XXXI, 130320I (7 June 2024);
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Data modeling

Education and training

Synthetic aperture radar

Feature extraction

Electrooptical modeling

Image classification

Performance modeling

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