1 October 1990 Preliminary results from infrared multilayer filters and materials exposed to the space environment on the NASA LDEF mission
Gary John Hawkins, Roger Hunneman, John S. Seeley
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Proceedings Volume 1320, Infrared Technology and Applications; (1990)
Event: Eighth International Conference Infrared Technology and Applications, 1990, London, United Kingdom
With continually increasing demands for improvements to atmospheric and planetary remote-sensing instrumentation, for both high optical system performance and extended operational lifetimes, an investigation to assess the effects of prolonged exposure of the space environment to a series of infrared interference filters and optical materials was promoted on the NASA LDEF mission. (2) The NASA Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) was launched by the Space Shuttle to transport various science and technology experiments both to and from space, providing investigators with the opportunity to study the effects of the space environment on materials and systems used in space-flight applications.4 Preliminary results to be discussed consist of transmission measurements obtained and processed from an infrared spectrophotometer both before (1983) and after (1990) exposure compared with unexposed control specimens, together with results of detailed microscopic and general visual examinations performed on the experiment. The principal lead telluride (PbTe) and zinc suiphide (ZnS) based multilayer filters selected for this preliminary investigation consist of : an 8-12 m low pass edge filter, a lO.6m 2.5% half bandwidth (HBW) double half-wave bandpass filter, and a 10% HBW triple half-wave bandpass filter at 15 jim. Optical substrates of MgF2 and KRS-5 (TlBrI) will also be discussed.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Gary John Hawkins, Roger Hunneman, and John S. Seeley "Preliminary results from infrared multilayer filters and materials exposed to the space environment on the NASA LDEF mission", Proc. SPIE 1320, Infrared Technology and Applications, (1 October 1990); Logo
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Infrared radiation

Bandpass filters

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