Presentation + Paper
12 November 2024 EUV CAR-NTD with new developer for stochastic reduction
Keiyu Ou, Naohiro Tango, Nishiki Fujimaki, Toru Fujimori
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In 2019, finally, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography has been applied to high volume manufacturing (HVM). However, the performance of EUV resist materials are still not enough for the expected HVM requirements, even by using the latest qualifying EUV resist materials. The critical issues were the stochastic, which will be become defectivity. The classification of the stochastic factors in EUV lithography was reported, which are photon stochastic and chemical stochastic. In the past, speaking of the stochastic issue of EUV lithography was basically considered from low photon number from EUV light source, photon shot noise. It was still critical concerning point of the stochastic issue, even with recent progress on source power improvement. However, the stochastic issue is not only from them but also from EUV materials and processes, called chemical stochastic. The chemical stochastic, like materials uniformity in the film, reactive uniformity in the film, and dissolving behavior with the developer must be improved for next generation. For chemical stochastic reduction, newly proposed novel formulated organic solvent-based developer for negative-tone development of chemically amplified resist (CAR) with EUV exposure, called EUV CAR-NTD, were effective and reported in last conference. In this paper, recent progress of EUV CAR-NTD will be updated including lithographic performances.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Keiyu Ou, Naohiro Tango, Nishiki Fujimaki, and Toru Fujimori "EUV CAR-NTD with new developer for stochastic reduction", Proc. SPIE 13215, International Conference on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography 2024, 1321503 (12 November 2024);
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Stochastic processes

Extreme ultraviolet

Extreme ultraviolet lithography


Film thickness

High volume manufacturing

Line width roughness


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