30 December 2024 Based on 3MMO load balance strategy of UAV network under SDN
Xingyu Liu, Xiaokang Guo, Chuhan Gui, Ziwen Wang
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Proceedings Volume 13394, International Workshop on Automation, Control, and Communication Engineering (IWACCE 2024); 133941B (2024)
Event: International Workshop on Automation, Control, and Communication Engineering (IWACCE 2024), 2024, Hohhot, China
In order to improve the load balancing quality and efficiency of the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) network controlled by SDN (software-Defined Networking), 3MMO (three m migrated optimization) load balancing strategy is proposed, which considers the minimum migration rate, the minimum migration cost and the maximum migration efficiency. Through the comparison of the load balance of DALB (Dynamic and adaptive load Balancing), CAMD (controller adaption and migration decision), ISMDA (an improved switch migration decision algorithm) three algorithms simulation, the average packet loss rate is 0.5% lower than that of CAMD, the migration efficiency is 3 times that of CAMD, and the number of migration is 13.6% less than CAMD. The strategy of 3MMO not only solves the problem of unbalanced load, reduces additional overhead caused by frequent load migration, improves migration efficiency, and reduces the cost of migration. It has greatly improved the communication quality and performance of the UAV network.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xingyu Liu, Xiaokang Guo, Chuhan Gui, and Ziwen Wang "Based on 3MMO load balance strategy of UAV network under SDN", Proc. SPIE 13394, International Workshop on Automation, Control, and Communication Engineering (IWACCE 2024), 133941B (30 December 2024);
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Unmanned aerial vehicles

Network architectures


Telecommunication networks

Internet of things

Computer simulations

Detection and tracking algorithms

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