16 January 2025 Diversified value assessment and collaborative ecological research on the user-side energy storage of Chongqing's new power system
Shiling Zhang, Qiang Xiao, Haoyu Wang, Qian Zhou
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Proceedings Volume 13447, International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (ICMIC 2024); 1344716 (2025)
Event: International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (ICMIC 2024), 2024, Wuhan, China
This article mainly studies the energy security and diversified value evaluation system under the coupling of multiple factors such as economy, energy, and environment. It not only helps governments and departments at all levels to timely grasp the dynamic level of energy security, assist in the formulation of energy development policies, but also helps to clarify the interests of new equipment operators such as power sources, power grids, power users, energy storage, and energy service providers. Firstly, the definitions of energy security and diversified values by major domestic and foreign organizations were analyzed, and the relevant research theories on energy security and diversified values were clarified. The specific connotations of energy security and diversified values were clarified. Framework for energy security and diversified value system was proposed, and an evaluation index system for energy security and diversified values was constructed. Key measures to enhance Chongqing's energy security and value were proposed, and a radar chart based on the economic, safety, and environmental contradiction triangle was presented. The contradiction triangle will accompany the development process of the new power system for a long time and will continuously coordinate and handle relationship among safety, economy, and environmental protection in the future. This study indicates new power system needs to accelerate construction of energy storage, promote energy storage facilities to provide services to aspects of power generation, transmission and distribution, encourage integrated development of wind and solar energy storage stations, support the layout of grid side energy storage at key nodes, and support development of user side energy storage.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shiling Zhang, Qiang Xiao, Haoyu Wang, and Qian Zhou "Diversified value assessment and collaborative ecological research on the user-side energy storage of Chongqing's new power system", Proc. SPIE 13447, International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Control (ICMIC 2024), 1344716 (16 January 2025);
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Medium wave

Solar energy

Wind energy

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Power grids

Mathematical optimization


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