The purpose of this study is to explore the application of virtual and real simulation technology in the control system of litchi picking robot. With the rapid development of agricultural automation and intelligence, picking robots are important equipment in modern agriculture, and the design and optimization of their control systems have become the focus of research. At present, the litchi picking robot control system has high technical requirements for operators, and the development cost is high and the risk is high. Secondly, the litchi picking robot is highly dependent on the real environment in the experiment and can easily cause damage to the natural environment. In view of the special environment and operational requirements of litchi picking, virtual simulation technology is used, combined with the performance characteristics of physical robots, to build a simulated litchi orchard scene and simulated picking manipulator in the virtual environment. At the same time, a real-time communication platform was built in Unity3D, and the digital twin control framework of the picking robot was creatively designed to achieve coordinated control and coordinated movement of the real and virtual robotic arms. The accuracy of the virtual-real combination control system was verified through design accuracy experiments. After experimental verification, the error rate of virtual and real motion of the robotic arm reaches less than 0.03%, which can meet the precise operation requirements of the robotic arm. The system can simulate the operation process of the picking robot in a virtual environment in advance. Experiments can also be performed without the need for actual equipment, reducing the risk and cost of development. In addition, the virtual orchard environment can also be used for smart agriculture research and lay the foundation for smart agriculture. It can also reduces dependence on the real environment and protects the ecological environment.