This paper focuses on the field of educational games targeting children aged three to six, exploring the application of hologram in interactive card game design. It first examines the potential applications of holography in children's education, emphasizing the crucial role of interactive games in promoting children's cognitive development. Furthermore, the paper elaborates on the core principles of game design, including educational value, interactivity, entertainment, and safety, while highlighting the importance of considering children's psychological and cognitive characteristics in the design process. This study demonstrates the integration of hologram with children's educational games by introducing interactive mechanisms, visual design, narrative techniques, and educational objectives, creating game content that is both educational and entertaining. Through preliminary user testing, feedback was collected from child users and the game's impact on their cognitive abilities, creativity, and problem-solving skills was evaluated, with results supporting the potential of games in promoting children's development. Finally, the paper provides prospects for the future development of holographic interactive card games and proposes further design improvements and research directions based on testing feedback, aiming to bring innovative educational tools to the field of children's educational games.