5 February 2025 Multi-pixel parallel search algorithm for binary hologram generation
Yongan Zhang, Yunhao Zhang, Fei Ye, Qinghe Song, Yaping Zhang
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Proceedings Volume 13509, International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2024); 135091H (2025)
Event: International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2024), 2024, Foshan, China
The Direct Binary Search (DBS) algorithm is recognized as an effective technique for the generation of binary holograms. DBS initiates with the generation of a stochastic binary hologram configuration, followed by a systematic scan in lexicographic order. During the scanning process, each pixel is individually addressed by inverting its value, subsequent to which the reconstruction Mean Square Error (MSE) is calculated. In instances where a diminution in the reconstruction error is observed, the inverted hologram value at the respective pixel is preserved. Conversely, if no reduction is detected, the pixel reverts to its original value. This iterative procedure continues until a complete scan of the hologram is achieved without any inversions being maintained. For high-resolution holograms, the Direct Binary Search (DBS) algorithm emerges as an impractical approach due to the enhanced computational load in each iteration, a consequence of the higher resolution. Moreover, the algorithm's search order predisposes it to settling on local optima rather than global optima. This propensity significantly diminishes the optical reconstruction quality of the computed binary holograms. In response to this problem, this paper proposes a Multi-Pixel Parallel Search (MPS) algorithm. The MPS algorithm adopts a multi-pixel addressing strategy in each iteration and utilizes the parallel computing method of GPU to accelerate the optical reconstruction calculation, the computation of binary hologram is significantly accelerated. The binary hologram calculated by DBS algorithm and MPS algorithm is reconstructed by optical experiments. The experimental results show that the binary hologram calculated by multi-pixel parallel search algorithm has better imaging quality than that by direct binary search algorithm.
(2025) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yongan Zhang, Yunhao Zhang, Fei Ye, Qinghe Song, and Yaping Zhang "Multi-pixel parallel search algorithm for binary hologram generation", Proc. SPIE 13509, International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2024), 135091H (5 February 2025);
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