1 December 1991 Digital optical computer II
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OptiComp is currently completing a 32 -bit, fully programmable digital optical computer (DOC II) which is designed to operate in a UNIX environment running RISC microcode. OptiComp's DOC II architecture is focused toward parallel microcode implementation where data is mputin a dual railformat. By exploiting thephysicaiprincipals inherent to optics (speed and low power consumption), an architectural balance of optical interconnects and software code efficiency can be achieved including high fan-in and fan-ouL OptiComp's DOC II program is jointly sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO), NASA space station group and Rome Laboratory (USAF). The following companies mentioned will presentpapers following SPW code 1563-28 describing in detail the sub components forDOC II. OptiComphas contracted Harris Corporation to build and to deliver the 64 channel acousto-optic spatial light modulators, Spectra DiodeLaboratones to build and to deliver an 8 element index guided laser diode bars capable of producing in excess ofone watt Th at 830nm, Optics 1 Inc. to optimize and to fabricate the optical components ( i.e. collimation and relay optics) and EG&G to develop a 128 element high speed APD array. This paper not only describes the motivational basis behind DOC II but also provides an optical overview and architectural summary of the device, which will allow the emulation of any digital instruction set.
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Peter S. Guilfoyle "Digital optical computer II", Proc. SPIE 1563, Optical Enhancements to Computing Technology, (1 December 1991);
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