4 August 1993 Virtual environment for engineering design evaluation and scientific visualization
John Edward West, Scott D. Weberg, Robert J. Moorhead II
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Proceedings Volume 1909, Device-Independent Color Imaging and Imaging Systems Integration; (1993)
Event: IS&T/SPIE's Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, 1993, San Jose, CA, United States
The US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has been exploring potential uses for virtual environments (VE) in engineering and scientific applications for approximately two years. The initial research involved commercial software, and while researchers at WES feel that the software available at that time had potential in a variety of application areas, it was found to lack specific features and flexibility needed for their target applications. The research then concentrated on designing and developing a software system which will provide VE designers at WES and the Engineering Research Center (ERC) a foundation of basic research upon which future development and application systems could be based. In implementing the prototype system, many graphical and software techniques and their application toward VE in general were evaluated. Several of these techniques are discussed in terms of performance and effectiveness. A specific application was developed based on the prototype system, and its effectiveness in relating meaningful information to the research scientist is discussed in the body of the paper. Finally, general observations concerning the potency of VE in engineering and scientific visualization are made.
© (1993) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
John Edward West, Scott D. Weberg, and Robert J. Moorhead II "Virtual environment for engineering design evaluation and scientific visualization", Proc. SPIE 1909, Device-Independent Color Imaging and Imaging Systems Integration, (4 August 1993);
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Computer aided design


Virtual reality

Scientific visualization

Software development

Solid modeling

Data modeling

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