7 June 1996 System architecture for a long range over the water target acquisition and tracking system
Elmer F. Williams, John T. Caulfield
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Design optimization of airborne IR target acquisition and tracking systems is a complex process involving tradeoffs between program goals, systems performance, cost, physical characteristics, reliability, growth adaptability and numerous other factors. The key performance goals are usually detection range, search area, search time and false alarm rate. Constraints on the design are available physical volume and the state of the art of IR detectors, inertial sensors, optics, signal processors, and recorders. Funding constraints often restrict the design to use off the shelf hardware. Design objectives for an airborne sea surface target IR tracking system are defined. The system design process is described and several passes through this process are discussed. An optimized custom design resulting from the first pass through design process with relaxed constraints on the problem and an 'off the shelf' design to meet the design objectives are defined and discussed.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Elmer F. Williams and John T. Caulfield "System architecture for a long range over the water target acquisition and tracking system", Proc. SPIE 2739, Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing X, (7 June 1996);
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