18 August 1997 Excimer laser irradiation on NiP surface
Daming Liu, Yongfeng Lu, K. Y. Yiang, Wen Dong Song, Minghui Hong, Tohsiew Low
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Proceedings Volume 3184, Microelectronic Packaging and Laser Processing; (1997)
Event: ISMA '97 International Symposium on Microelectronics and Assembly, 1997, Singapore, Singapore
In this study, nickel-phosphorus (NiP) surface is irradiate by a KrF excimer laser beam. Atomic force microscope and x- ray diffraction are employed to study the surface morphology and the material structure. For laser fluence form 124 mJ/cm2, thin periodic structure morphology is formed in the irradiated region. When laser fluence exceeds 200 mJ/cm2, a microcosmic-smooth ripple morphology is obtained. The period of the second morphology is obviously larger than that of the first morphology. The morphology is dependent on the original surface condition, laser fluence and laser pulse number in the low laser fluence region and only laser fluence and laser pulse number in the high laser fluence region. 1D thermal conduction model is used to predict the temperature rise in the irradiated region. Surface melting is predicted to take place at laser fluence about 200 mJ/cm2. The interaction mechanism between laser beam and NiP surface is proposed based on the theoretical calculation and experiment.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Daming Liu, Yongfeng Lu, K. Y. Yiang, Wen Dong Song, Minghui Hong, and Tohsiew Low "Excimer laser irradiation on NiP surface", Proc. SPIE 3184, Microelectronic Packaging and Laser Processing, (18 August 1997);
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Pulsed laser operation

Excimer lasers

Atomic force microscope


Thermal modeling


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