18 July 1999 Virtual integration of multiple-facility PAC systems with ISDN intranet and Web-based DICOM white board
JongHyo Kim, Heung Sik Kang, Duk-Woo Ro, Myung Jin Shin, Dongsung Kim, Young Han Kim, Seok Hoon Kang
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As increasing number of medical facilities are introducing PACS, the needs to interconnect PAC systems are also increased. Although the primary goal of PACS is to enable distribution of radiologic images electronically within hospital and thus assist patient care more efficiently, inter-networking of multiple facility PAC systems can create additional application area and bring about clinical impact. By inter-networking multiple facility PACS, exams can be automatically routed to the remote radiologist when the local radiologist is not available such as during the off- duty hours and vacations. Physicians and radiologists can also benefit from the inter-networking of PACS by making telesconsultation of special cases with remote subspecialty radiologists which can lead to improved diagnostic accuracy and confidence. In this study, we attempted to develop an inter-networking system among the multi-facility PAC systems which can be used for image data transfer and telesconsultation by establishing the ISDN intranet and developing a Web based DICOM white board.
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JongHyo Kim, Heung Sik Kang, Duk-Woo Ro, Myung Jin Shin, Dongsung Kim, Young Han Kim, and Seok Hoon Kang "Virtual integration of multiple-facility PAC systems with ISDN intranet and Web-based DICOM white board", Proc. SPIE 3662, Medical Imaging 1999: PACS Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues, (18 July 1999);
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