10 March 2000 Hybrid diffractive-refractive element for spectrum imaging
Hua Long, Kun Yang, Qingsheng He, Mingxian Wu, Guofan Jin, Yingbai Yan
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For the miniaturization and the integration of a spectrometer, the imaging system of the spectrometer should be simplified. A hybrid diffractive-refractive element is designed and fabricated, which combines the functions of dispersion and imaging. The element is composed of a lens and a special hologram. The lens is just a normal plano-convex one. And the hologram is used to take the role of grating in conventional spectrometer. It is recorded by two spherical waves, and the positions of the centers of the two waves are optimized to compensate the aberrations of the element. When the element is illuminated by collimated beam, the components of a spectrum range 400 - 800 nm from the light source are dispersed and focused on a plane with good image qualities and linear arrangement of the spectrum points. Experiment results are given. The element could be designed freely in size to be applied in various types of spectroscopic analysis systems.
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Hua Long, Kun Yang, Qingsheng He, Mingxian Wu, Guofan Jin, and Yingbai Yan "Hybrid diffractive-refractive element for spectrum imaging", Proc. SPIE 3951, Diffractive/Holographic Technologies and Spatial Light Modulators VII, (10 March 2000); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Spherical lenses

Image quality

3D image reconstruction

Imaging systems


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