23 September 2009 The Gamma Astrometric Measurement Experiment (GAME)
Mario Gai, Alberto Vecchiato, Sebastiano Ligori, Silvano Fineschi, Mario G. Lattanzi
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The GAME mission concept is aimed at very precise measurement of the gravitational deflection of light by the Sun, by an optimized telescope in the visible and launched in orbit on a small class satellite. The targeted precision on the γ parameter of the Parametrized Post-Newtonian formulation of General Relativity is 10-6 or better, i.e. one to two orders of magnitude better than the best current results. Such precision is suitable to detect possible deviations from unity value, associated to generalized Einstein models for gravitation, with potentially huge impacts on the cosmological distribution of dark matter and dark energy. The measurement principle is based on differential astrometric signature on the stellar positions, i.e. on the spatial component of the effect rather than the temporal component as in recent experiments using radio link delay timing. Exploiting the observation strategy, it is also possible to target other interesting scientific goals both in the realm of General Relativity and in the observations of extrasolar systems. The instrument is a dual field, multiple aperture Fizeau interferometer, observing simultaneously two regions close to the Solar limb. The diluted optics approach is selected for efficient rejection of the solar radiation, while retaining an acceptable angular resolution on the science targets. We describe the science motivation, the proposed mission profile, the payload concept and the expected performance from recent results.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mario Gai, Alberto Vecchiato, Sebastiano Ligori, Silvano Fineschi, and Mario G. Lattanzi "The Gamma Astrometric Measurement Experiment (GAME)", Proc. SPIE 7438, Solar Physics and Space Weather Instrumentation III, 74380T (23 September 2009);
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General relativity


Aerospace engineering


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