14 July 2010 Joint trilateral filtering for depth map compression
Shujie Liu, PoLin Lai, Dong Tian, Cristina Gomila, Chang Wen Chen
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Proceedings Volume 7744, Visual Communications and Image Processing 2010; 77440F (2010)
Event: Visual Communications and Image Processing 2010, 2010, Huangshan, China
New data formats including 2D video and the corresponding depth maps enable new video applications in which virtual views can be rendered, such as 3DTV and free-viewpoint video (FVV). Different from video frames, depth maps typically consist of homogeneous areas (with no textures) separated by sharp edges representing depth value changes such as between foreground and background. Conventional video coding techniques with transforms followed by quantization typically result in large artifacts along such sharp edges. To suppress these coding artifacts while preserving edges, we propose in this paper a novel filtering method for depth coding, joint trilateral filter. The main contribution in the proposed filter design is the utilization of edge information in the collocated video frame as well as in the depth map. The filtering weights are determined by the following three factors: a domain (spatial) filter which measures the proximity of pixel positions, and two range filters. One range filter takes into account the similarity among depth samples and the other one considers the similarity among the collocated pixels in the video frame. By replacing the deblocking filter in H.264/AVC with the proposed trilateral filter, simulation results demonstrate up to 0.8 dB gain in rendering quality at given bitrate for depth signal.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shujie Liu, PoLin Lai, Dong Tian, Cristina Gomila, and Chang Wen Chen "Joint trilateral filtering for depth map compression", Proc. SPIE 7744, Visual Communications and Image Processing 2010, 77440F (14 July 2010); Logo
Cited by 32 scholarly publications and 3 patents.
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Video compression

Video coding

3D video compression

Image filtering

Image compression

Transform theory


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