28 February 2013 Fabrication of double layer optical tissue phantom by spin coating method: mimicking epidermal and dermal layer
Jihoon Park, Yunjin Bae, Youngwoo Bae, Heesung Kang, Kyoung-Joung Lee, Byungjo Jung
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Methodologies to fabricate a solid optical tissue phantom (OTP) mimicking epidermal thin-layer have been developed for in vitro human skin experiment. However, there are cumbersome and time-consuming efforts in fabrication process such as a custom-made casting and calculation of solvent volume before curing process. In a previous study, we introduced a new methodology based on spin coating method (SCM) which is utilized to fabricate a thin-layer OTP analogous to epidermal thickness. In this study, a double layer solid OTP which has epidermal and dermal layers was fabricated to mimic the morphological and optical similarity of human tissue. The structural characteristic and optical properties of fabricated double layer OTP were measured using optical coherence tomography and inverse adding doubling algorithms, respectively. It is expected that the new methodology based on the SCM may be usefully used in the fabrication of double layer OTP.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jihoon Park, Yunjin Bae, Youngwoo Bae, Heesung Kang, Kyoung-Joung Lee, and Byungjo Jung "Fabrication of double layer optical tissue phantom by spin coating method: mimicking epidermal and dermal layer", Proc. SPIE 8583, Design and Performance Validation of Phantoms Used in Conjunction with Optical Measurement of Tissue V, 85830G (28 February 2013); Logo
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