25 August 2015 Hydrodynamic synchronisation of optically driven rotors
Luke J. Debono, Stuart Box, David B. Phillips, Stephen H. Simpson, Simon Hanna
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Hydrodynamic coupling is thought to play a role in the coordinated beating of cilia and flagella, and may inform the future design of artificial swimmers and pumps. In this study, optical tweezers are used to investigate the hydrodynamic coupling between a pair of driven oscillators. The theoretical model of Lenz and Ryskin [P. Lenz and A. Ryskin, Phys. Biol. 3, 285{294 (2006)] is experimentally recreated, in which each oscillator consists of a sphere driven in a circular trajectory. The optical trap position is maintained ahead of the sphere to provide a tangential driving force. The trap is also moved radially to harmonically constrain the sphere to the circular trajectory. Analytically, it has been shown that two oscillators of this type are able to synchronise or phase-lock under certain conditions. We explore the interplay between synchronisation mechanisms and find good agreement between experiment, theory and Brownian dynamics simulations.
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Luke J. Debono, Stuart Box, David B. Phillips, Stephen H. Simpson, and Simon Hanna "Hydrodynamic synchronisation of optically driven rotors", Proc. SPIE 9548, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XII, 95481B (25 August 2015);
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Optical spheres

Optical tweezers


Computer simulations

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