20 April 2016 Real-time holographic heterodyne spatial filtering
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Traditionally, homodyne and heterodyne detection is the mixing of two signals with different frequencies, followed by a low-pass filter. Mixing two signals of frequencies f1 and f2, generates signals of frequencies f1 + f2 and f1- f2 and their integer multiples. Both multiplicative heterodyne and phase sensitive detection has been demonstrated optically, by using photorefractive four-wave mixing (FWM). The multiplicative characteristic of FWM is used for mixing, and the response time of the photorefractive medium is used for low-pass filtering. If one of the input beams is both spatially and temporally modulated using a controlled oscillating membrane, depending on which mode is heterodyned, one can generates orthogonal sets of Bessel band pass filters. This scheme can be integrated part within parallel data acquisition systems for applications involved nondestructive testing.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jed Khoury "Real-time holographic heterodyne spatial filtering", Proc. SPIE 9845, Optical Pattern Recognition XXVII, 98450R (20 April 2016);
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Linear filtering


Spatial filters

Spatial frequencies

Bessel functions

Contrast transfer function

Bandpass filters

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