Presentation + Paper
26 September 2016 Access to long-term optical memories using photon echoes retrieved from electron spins in semiconductor quantum wells
S. V. Poltavtsev, L. Langer, I. A. Yugova, M. Salewski, Y. V. Kapitonov, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, I. A. Akimov, M. Bayer
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We use spontaneous (two-pulse) and stimulated (three-pulse) photon echoes for studying the coherent evolution of optically excited ensemble of trions which are localized in semiconductor CdTe/CdMgTe quantum well. Application of transverse magnetic field leads to the Larmor precession of the resident electron spins, which shuffles optically induced polarization between optically accessible and inaccessible states. This results in several spectacular phenomena. First, magnetic field induces oscillations of spontaneous photon echo amplitude. Second, in three-pulse excitation scheme, the photon echo decay is extended by several orders of magnitude. In this study, short-lived optical excitation which is created by the first pulse is coherently transferred into a long-lived electron spin state using the second optical pulse. This coherent spin state of electron ensemble persists much longer than any optical excitation in the system, preserving information on initial optical field, which can be retrieved as a photon echo by means of third optical pulse.
Conference Presentation
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
S. V. Poltavtsev, L. Langer, I. A. Yugova, M. Salewski, Y. V. Kapitonov, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, I. A. Akimov, and M. Bayer "Access to long-term optical memories using photon echoes retrieved from electron spins in semiconductor quantum wells", Proc. SPIE 9931, Spintronics IX, 99311V (26 September 2016);
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Quantum wells

Coherence (optics)


Signal detection


Picosecond phenomena

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