Open Access
14 October 2023 Cerebrovascular reactivity to carbon dioxide tension in newborns: data from combined time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy and diffuse correlation spectroscopy
Sofia Passera, Agnese De Carli, Monica Fumagalli, Davide Contini, Nicola Pesenti, Caterina Amendola, Martina Giovannella, Turgut Durduran, Udo M. Weigel, Lorenzo Spinelli, Alessandro Torricelli, Gorm Greisen
Author Affiliations +


Critically ill newborns are at risk of brain damage from cerebrovascular disturbances. A cerebral hemodynamic monitoring system would have the potential role to guide targeted intervention.


To obtain, in a population of newborn infants, simultaneous near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)-based estimates of cerebral tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) and blood flow during variations of carbon dioxide tension (pCO2) levels within physiologic values up to moderate permissive hypercapnia, and to examine if the derived estimate of metabolic rate of oxygen would stay constant, during the same variations.


We enrolled clinically stable mechanically ventilated newborns at postnatal age >24 h without brain abnormalities at ultrasound. StO2 and blood flow index were measured using a non-invasive device (BabyLux), which combine time-resolved NIRS and diffuse-correlation spectroscopy. The effect of changes in transcutaneous pCO2 on StO2, cerebral blood flow (CBF), and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen index (tCMRO2i) were estimated.


Ten babies were enrolled and three were excluded. Median GA at enrollment was 39 weeks and median weight 2720 g. StO2 increased 0.58% (95% CI 0.55; 0.61, p < 0.001), CBF 2% (1.9; 2.3, p < 0.001), and tCMRO2 0.3% (0.05; 0.46, p = 0.017) per mmHg increase in pCO2.


BabyLux device detected pCO2-induced changes in cerebral StO2 and CBF, as expected. The small statistically significant positive relationship between pCO2 and tCMRO2i variation is not considered clinically relevant and we are inclined to consider it as an artifact.



Cerebrovascular disturbances are involved in the pathogenesis of brain damage in critically ill newborns. The risk is increased if autoregulation, i.e., the ability of the cerebral vasculature to compensate for changes in perfusion pressure, is impaired.1 However, reactivity of cerebral blood flow (CBF) to fluctuations in carbon dioxide tension is a normal feature of the cerebral vasculature; it is fully operational in newborn and preterm infants2 and is likely to play a key role, potentially exposing the vulnerable developing brain to ischemic insults when hypocapnia occurs.3 Conversely, hypercapnia increases CBF and intracranial pressure; the vasodilator action of carbon dioxide is quick and more potent than that of any chemical agent.

A continuous monitor of cerebral hemodynamics and oxygen metabolism would have the potential to guide individualized care and targeted intervention to reduce the risk of cerebral hypoxia-ischemia.

Continuous wave (CW) spatially resolved near-infrared spectroscopy (SR-NIRS) allows measurement, albeit with a relatively poor precision, of cerebral tissue oxygen saturation (StO2), which has been proposed as a surrogate of CBF. However, this approach relies on the assumption of a stable oxygen consumption, which is dependent on the local tissue demand as well as on perfusion and oxygen carrying capacity (delivery). Time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy (TRS) overcomes some assumptions that are necessary to measure regional tissue oxygenation by SR-NIRS, and diffusion correlation spectroscopy (DCS) can be used to assess microvascular CBF (calculated as blood flow index-BFI).4

The European-funded BabyLux (BBLX) project (EU CIP ICT PSP n. 620996) aimed to develop a non-invasive and cot-sided device that combines TRS, measuring regional oxygenation with improved precision, and DCS, assessing regional tissue perfusion.5,6 By combining these two measures, estimation of regional oxygen metabolism could be also provided.

We aimed at using the BabyLux device4 to obtain simultaneous hybrid NIRS-based estimates of cerebral StO2 and CBF when carbon dioxide tension levels are adjusted by manipulation of mechanical ventilation in clinically stable newborn infants without brain pathology. The purpose is to examine if the derived estimate of cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen would stay constant, as predicted, when the changes in carbon dioxide tension are small and within physiological limits up to moderate hypercapnia.




Study Population and Protocol

The trial (registered at ClinicalTrials. gov - NCT02815618) was conducted at Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy and it was approved by the local research ethics committee and by the Italian Medical Device Agency.

Patients were enrolled from 2017 to 2018 and the analysis of data and preparation of the draft were delayed for lack of protected research time for the clinical investigators during COVID pandemic.

Inclusion criteria were: clinically stable newborns of any gestational age at birth (defined by stable pulse oximeter saturation – SpO2 – in the normal range for gestational age – GA) undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation with normal cranial ultrasound and postnatal age >24  h. Signed informed parental consent was obtained before enrollment.

Monitoring of cerebral hemodynamics and oxygenation: the BabyLux sensor (Fig. 1) was placed on one side of fronto-parietal region, held in place by a black self-adhesive elastic bandage; monitoring with INVOS technology was performed, according to clinical practice, with adhesive sensor (Neonatal Oxyalert TM NIRSensor 5100 INVOS technology) placed on the other side of fronto-parietal region. SpO2 and carbon dioxide tension (pCO2) estimated by transcutaneous measurement (tcpCO2) were continuously monitored in all infants (Radiometer®). As an arterial or capillary gas sample was drawn on clinical indication, tcpCO2 monitoring was adjusted to pCO2 and changes in ventilatory settings were introduced according to routine clinical practice to normalize pCO2 in case of either (slight-to-moderate) hypercapnia or hypocapnia. Spontaneous changes in tcpCO2 were also recorded. Changes in tcpCO2 of at least 4 mmHg occurring within the following minutes were analyzed.

Fig. 1

The BabyLux device.


For each infant the following parameters were recorded: SpO2, StO2 (measured by both BabyLux -StO2-BBLX- and INVOS Medtronic -StO2-INVOS-), and BFI measured by BabyLux. Tissue oxygen extraction (TOE) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen index (CMRO2i) were calculated from the BabyLux signals. Considering that CMRO2 is calculated using the TOE and that TOE, which is calculated from StO2, is higher than the cerebro-venous saturation due to the arterial component in the StO2 signal, we named it tissue cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen index-tCMRO2i. BFI was then converted into CBF with the conversion factor estimated by Giovannella et al.7 that is rCBF=0.89(ml/100  g/min)/(cm2/s)×109×BFI, with (0.56, 1.39) (ml/100  g/min)/(cm2/s) as the corresponding limits of agreement for the conversion factor; tCMRO2 was then calculated (see Table 1).

Table 1

Measured and calculated variables.

StO2-BBLX%See Giovannella (a) et al.
TOE%SpO2 (%) − StO2-BBLX (%)
BFIcm2/secSee Giovannella (a) et al.
tCMRO2imlO2/dl×cm2/sec(TOE (%)/100) × BFI (cm2/sec) × 1.39 (mlO2/g) × Hb (g/dL)
CBFml/100  g/minBFI(cm2/sec)×0.89×109
tCMRO2mlO2/100  g/min(TOE (%)/100) × CBF (ml/100 g/min) × 1.39 (mlO2/g) × Hb (g/dL)/100)
Note: StO2 tissue oxygen saturation; TOE, tissue oxygen extracion; BFI, blood flow index; tCMRO2i, tissue cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen index; CBF, cerebral blood flow; and tCMRO2, tissue cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen.



The BabyLux device integrates TRS and DCS modules, both using NIR light. In brief, TRS has potentiality to separate the absorption and scattering coefficients allowing for absolute measurements, and to utilize time-gating of path-lengths to emphasize signals from deeper tissues, whereas DCS relies on the interaction between long coherence laser light and moving scatters allowing a measurement of red blood cell movement module. The TRS module employs pulsed lasers operating at three different wavelengths centred at about 685, 760, and 820 nm, respectively. The DCS module uses a CW long coherence laser at 785 nm with an output power <20  mW. TRS and DCS share a compact and light-weight 5iberoptic probe, for injection and collection of the light signals into the tissue with source–detector separation of 15 mm. Sampling frequency was 1 Hz. “For the calculation of BFI, 10 s moving average of μa at 760 nm was used to reduce noise propagation from TRS to DCS analysis and a fixed sample average estimate of μs was used (μs=7  cm1); BFI and μs are indeed coupled in the equation describing the intensity field autocorrelation curve,8 and an eventual error in the latter is propagated in an error in the BFI.9 Therefore, using an individual estimation of μs can increase the interindividual variability for the BFI.” (For details on instrumentation, data processing, and quality assessment, see previously published papers.4,10,11).


Data Analysis

BFI and StO2 reactivity to changes in tcpCO2 were calculated over periods of clinical stability in terms of steady SpO2.

The effect of changes in tcpCO2 on the measured variables (StO2-BBLX and StO2-INVOS, BFI, CBF, TOE, tCMRO2i, and tCMRO2) was estimated using linear mixed-effect models, which are appropriate in settings in which repeated measurements are made on the same statistical unit (infant/subject), with the subject considered as random effect. We averaged all measurements to the unit of the minute, and we used all the monitored data series per patient to study the optical/tcpCO2 relationship. Summary statistics for each variable are then presented. Both induced and spontaneous tcpCO2 changes were included in the same models. Model results are expressed as regression coefficients (changes per mmHg change of tcpCO2), 95% CI and p-values.

BBLX and INVOS oximeter values were compared using the Bland–Altman plot for repeated measures,12 allowing for within-subject correlation, and a mixed effect model with infant considered as random effect was used to estimate the mean oxygenation level-dependent bias. We also presented the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient between the absolute values of the two measurements. Values of p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Logarithmic transformation (natural log) of BFI and tCMRO2i raw data was done to normalize the right skewed distribution of residuals.

Statistical analyses were performed using R, version 3.4.3 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).



Ten babies were enrolled from February 2017 to March 2018. Three infants were excluded from the analysis (due to the following reasons: changes in tcpCO2<4  mmHg in one case (Table 3, infant 10), bad positioning of the probe resulting in high variability in optical parameters with estimated values of the scattering coefficient <4  cm1 in the another one (Table 3, infant 3), and SpO2 instability, together with high variability of optical parameters in the third one (Table 3, infant 2), The mean analyzed time for each infant was 21.04 min (sd 8.16).

Table 2 summarizes the clinical and biochemical characteristics of the study population while Table 3 shows μa (cm1) and μs (cm1) values of the ten enrolled infants. Table 4 illustrates the measured and calculated variables. Mixed models’ results showed that StO2-INVOS, StO2-BBLX, BFI, CBF, tCMRO2i, and tCMRO2 all had a positive relationship with tcpCO2; on the contrary, TOE was negatively related to tcpCO2. Table 5 shows changes per mmHg variation in tcpCO2 for each variable. The coefficient derived from the model for log(CBF) is 0.021, which corresponds to a change of [exp(0.021)1]%=2.12% in CBF per mmHg and the coefficient derived from the model for log(tCMRO2) is 0.003, which corresponds to a change of [exp(0.003)1]%=0.30% in tCMRO2 per mmHg. The estimates have narrow confidence limits.

Table 2

Characteristics of the study population.

Postnatal age at enrollment (days), median (range)8 (2 to 53)
Weight at enrollment (g), median (range)2720 (1465 to 4380)
Gestational age at enrollment (weeks), median (range)39 (32 to 43)
Blood gas analysis at study time
pH, mean ± SD7.4 ± 0.1
BE (mmol/L), mean ± SD2.4 ± 2.9
Lactate (mEq/L), mean ± SD1.1 ± 0.2
Haemoglobin (g/dL), mean ± SD14.1 ± 2.0
Note: BE base excess.

Table 3

μa (cm−1) and μs′ (cm−1) values of all studied infants.

Infants690 nm760 nm830 nm
μa (cm−1)μs′ (cm−1)μa (cm−1)μs′ (cm−1)μa (cm−1)μs′ (cm−1)
Numbers indicated in bold correspond to the excluded infants due to high variability in optical parameters with estimated values of the scattering coefficient <4  cm−1.

Table 4

Descriptive statistics for the measured and calculated variables.

tcpCO2 (mmHg)47.23.240 to 59
SpO2 (%)95.42.186 to 100
StO2-INVOS (%)80.38.558 to 93
StO2-BBLX (%)68.17.849.2 to 88.0
TOE (%) to 45.8
BFI (cm2/s)9.85×1095.23×1092.20×109 to 30.0×109
CBF (ml/100  g/min) to 26.7
tCMRO2i (mlO2×cm2/s)5.87×1083.24×1081.12×108 to 15.5×108
tCMRO2 (mlO2/100  g/min)0.520.290.10 to 1.38
Mean and standard deviation (SD) are computed from subjects’ means (N=7) calculated on the entire period. tcpCO2, transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension; SpO2, steady pulse oximeter saturation; StO2, tissue oxygen saturation; TOE, tissue oxygen extracion; BFI, blood flow index; CBF, cerebral blood flow; and tCMRO2i, tissue cerebral metabolic rate

Table 5

Mixed effect models estimate for each variable per mmHg variation in tcpCO2.

Estimatep-value95% CI
StO2-INVOS0.64<0.0010.62; 0.67
StO2-BBLX0.58<0.0010.55; 0.61
TOE−0.49<0.001−0.52; −0.46
log(CBF)0.021<0.0010.019; 0.023
log(tCMRO2)0.0030.0170.0005; 0.0046
StO2, tissue oxygen saturation; TOE, tissue oxygen extracion; CBF, cerebral blood flow; and tCMRO2, tissue cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen.

In Fig. 2, we present the changes of the studied variable (StO2-BBLX, TOE, CBF, and tCMRO2) according to tcpCO2 variation in each of the seven infants. The absolute value of StO2-INVOS on the average was 12.4% higher than the value of StO2-BabyLux, and the mean difference (MD) in the individual infants ranged from 0.1% to 19.5%; within infants, the BabyLux and INVOS oximeter values were highly correlated, Spearmans’ correlation coefficients ranged from 0.68 to 0.91 (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2

Relationship between tcpCO2 and the studied variables (StO2-BBLX, TOE, CBF, and tCMRO2). The CBF-CO2 reactivity corresponds to a change of 2.1% per mmHg increase in pCO2, whereas the CMRO2-CO2 reactivity corresponds to a change of 0.3% per mmHg increase in pCO2. Each colour indicates a single infant: dots represent the values of the studied variable for each value of tcpCO2; lines represent the linear regression model for each infant. Log = natural log (light blue line infant 1, purple line infant 4, orange line infant 5, red line infant 6, green line infant 7, blue line infant 8, and gray line infant 9).


Fig. 3

Bland–Altman plots of StO2-BabyLux and StO2-INVOS values for each infant. The MD of the simultaneous values (y-axis) over their mean (x-axis) has been plotted. The black line in the middle of the graph represents the MD between the two methods. The dashed lines indicate 95% CI limits of agreement. In infant 1, 2, and 5, the bias is clearly dependent on the level of oxygenation, decreasing or increasing.


The average oxygenation level-dependent bias between the devices was small and statistically insignificant at 0.021% per % (p=0.113, mixed effect model), but the 95% confidence interval for bias in the individual infants was quite wide, 1.15% to 1.2% per % (Fig. 2).



This study demonstrates that bedside and non-invasive TRS combined with DCS detects pCO2-induced changes in cerebral StO2 and CBF as expected.

The confidence intervals of the estimates of effect are narrow, but the small number of subjects is a limitation and made us abstain from analysis of interactions with other factors that may affect cerebrovascular response, such as analgesics, perfusion pressure, and brain maturity.

This is the first study in which DCS, which has been previously qualitatively validated and in-vivo calibrated,6 was used in clinically stable mechanically ventilated newborn infants to measure cerebrovascular reactivity to tcpCO2 variation within a range of normal values.

Indeed, cerebrovascular reactivity (CBF and CMRO2) were already measured by hybrid DCS and NIRS during hypercapnia in unstable neonates with congenital heart disease and validated by concurrent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data.13,14

The BabyLux device allows measurement of BFI, expressed in cm2/s, which has been demonstrated to be proportional to blood flow in the tissue.4,8 We measured lower BFI values compared with previously published studies in which DCS was used to measure microvascular CBF in healthy term newborns (mean; range: 9.85×109; 2.20×109, 30.00×109- versus range 15 to 45×109  cm2/sec).15 Higher BFI values were evident even in cases in which data were obtained with the same BabyLux method from 9.85×109 compared to 27×109  cm2/sec in 23 healthy full terms).16 However, this was not the case when BFI was converted into CBF.

In fact, to compare estimation of CBF and oxygen metabolism obtained by other methods, we converted BFI measurements (cm2/s) into flow units (ml/100  g/min) using a previously validated conversion formula derived from a neonatal piglet model in which DCS was validated against O15-water Positron Emission Tomography (see Ref. 7 for further details), which showed a good agreement btween calculated and expected values.7

The calculated CBF values in the present study are consistent with the ones reported in a population of 12 mechanically ventilated term infants (10±4.7 versus 11.9±4.9  ml/100  g/min) measured by Xe133 clearance (Pryds et al.17) and the ones reported in healthy term (10±4.7 versus 13.4±4.2  ml/100  g/min) by Liu et al.18 and preterm infants at term by De Vis et al. (10±4.7 versus 14±3  ml/100  g/min) using MRI techniques.19

CBF showed the expected positive relationship with tcpCO2, although at only 2% per mmHg increase in pCO2. Thus, the reactivity to CO2 was less than previously estimated by DCS in neonates with congenital heart defects (end-tidal CO2)14 and by Xe133 clearance in mechanically ventilated preterm babies <33 weeks GA (tcpCO2).2

The novelty of the study relies on the simultaneous measurement of cerebral StO2 and CBF, which allowed calculation of cerebral oxygen metabolism (see Table 1 for conversion).

The calculated values of tCMRO2 (0.52  mlO2/100  g/min) were lower compared to previous studies: neonates in intensive care units at different gestational ages20,21 (1.0  mlO2/100  g/min) and healthy and non-sedated neonates aged between 35 and 42 gestational weeks (0.76  mlO2/100  g/min,18 0.60  mlO2/100  g/min,19 and 1.2  mlO2/100  g/min22). This difference can partly be explained by the fact that StO2 overestimates cerebro-venous saturation due to the arterial contribution to the NIRS signal. If 33% of the NIRS signal comes from arterial blood and 66% from venous blood (assuming that the capillary blood volume is negligeable, thus corresponding to an a-v-ratio of 1:2), the “real CMRO2 would be +50% (0.78), and if 25% of the signal comes from arterial blood (a-v ratio of 1:3), the real CMRO2” would be +33% (0.69). Furthermore, CMRO2 in mechanically ventilated newborn infants may be reduced, as CBF has been shown to be.3

This is the first study that analyzed variation of tCMRO2 in stable mechanically ventilated infants as induced by changes in pCO2. In this study, pCO2 was kept in a permissive range (up to modearate hypercapnia) and we therefore expected to find a constant tCMRO2.8 However, we found a statistically significant increase with increasing pCO2. In a preclinical study on macaque monkeys exposed to CO2 inhalation, Zappe et al. observed a reduction of neuronal activity with increasing pCO2.23 This would rather suggest a reduction in CMRO2 based on the strong correlation between CMRO2 and brain’s electrical activity.24 Clinical reports have shown a slowing effect of high pCO2 levels on EEG burst rate in preterm infants.2527 CO2-induced decrease of brain pH is likely to result in changes in membrane permeability of cortical cells and reduced excitatory postsynaptic activity.26 Furthermore, an effect on the un-loading of oxygen from haemoglobin at the capillary level (as a result of the Bohr effect on the oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve) may limit the increase in StO2 at high levels of pCO2. All of this would also suggest a reduction rather than an increase in CMRO2 at high pCO2.

Therefore, we are inclined to believe that the positive association of pCO2 and CMRO2 in our study is an artifact. The possibilities for artefacts are an overestimation of the reactivity of StO2 or an underestimation of the reactivity of CBF, or an increase in the a-v ratio—or a combination. Actually, an increase in the a-v ratio has been demonstrated during hypoxia28 and during hypovolemic hypotension.29 Since CO2 is a vasodilator on the arterial side, and if the venous side is not passively dilated as much, then this would be a simple explanation for our findings.

The statistically significant positive relationship between tcpCO2 and tCMRO2 variation, however, was very small (1 ‰ change per mmHg tcpCO2) and may hardly be considered clinically relevant when compared with the 20% reduction in CMRO2 reported in term infants suffering hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (0.48  mlO2/100  g/min versus 0.60  mlO2/100  g/min) in healthy term infants.19

Regarding the comparison between INVOS and BabyLux, it is well known that the INVOS neonatal sensor gives higher values than other devices30 and our data confirm this observation. The inter-individual variability was very high; however, our measurements were obtained by single placement for each of the two sensors and it has been demonstrated that placement-replacement reproducibility for cerebral oximeters is relatively poor.31 The large inter-individual variability in oxygenation-level dependent bias among the infants was surprising. However, it has been previously demonstrated, in preterm infants simultaneously monitored with INVOS and NONIN devices, both with neonatal sensors, that the response to drops in SpO2 due to apnea varied markedly when sensors were replaced. Thus, StO2 and the derived measures in the present study may also suffer from site-specific sensitivity to deoxygenation. The most likely explanation for this is site-specific variability in the presence of cerebrospinal fluid and/or subarachnoid blood, quality of skin contact, or hair.32



The main result of this study was that the measurement of changes in brain StO2 and in CBF, as induced by changes in pCO2, were proportional on average and thus appeared without significant bias, although the sample size was small and the statistical power limited. This supports the value of the two methodologies. The large inter-individual variation also seriously questions if the precision is sufficient to establish conclusions regarding individual infants, i.e., clinical use.


  • Davide Contini and Alessandro Torricelli are co-founders of pioNIRS s.r.l., spin off company from Politecnico di Milano (Italy).

  • Turgut Durduran: Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO) has equity ownership in the spin-off company HemoPhotonics S.L. Potential financial conflicts of interest and objectivity of research have been monitored by ICFO’s Knowledge and Technology Transfer Department. No financial conflicts of interest have been identified.

  • Udo Weigel is the CEO, has equity ownership in HemoPhotonics S.L., and is an employee in the company. His role in the project has been defined by the BabyLux project objectives, tasks, and work packages and has been reviewed by the European Commission.

Other authors have nothing to disclose.

Code, Data, and Materials Availability

The datasets generated during and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


This research was partially funded by the European Commission Competitiveness for Innovation Program (Grant No. 620996) as part of the project “An optical neuromonitor of cerebral oxygen metabolism and blood flow for neonatology (BabyLux).”



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Agnese De Carli is a medical doctor in NICU specialized in pediatrics in 2014. Her fields of interest are neonatal brain and neuroimaging, normal brain development and brain injuries of preterm and term babies. She collaborates in clinical research protocols.

Gorm Greisen is a professor of pediatrics at University of Copenhagen since 1998, and consultant neonatologist at Rigshospitalet since 1991. He directs research in neonatal brain perfusion, oxygenation, brain injury, and neurodevelopmental deficits and perinatal growth. He is a coordinating investigator for the SafeBoosC project and also president for the European Society of Paediatric Research and for the International Pediatric Research Foundation. He is a chairman of a regional research ethics committee and a knight of the order of Dannebrog. He has over 400 publications on PubMed, with more than 10,000 citations.

Biographies of the other authors are not available.

CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Sofia Passera, Agnese De Carli, Monica Fumagalli, Davide Contini, Nicola Pesenti, Caterina Amendola, Martina Giovannella, Turgut Durduran, Udo M. Weigel, Lorenzo Spinelli, Alessandro Torricelli, and Gorm Greisen "Cerebrovascular reactivity to carbon dioxide tension in newborns: data from combined time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy and diffuse correlation spectroscopy," Neurophotonics 10(4), 045003 (14 October 2023).
Received: 22 March 2023; Accepted: 18 August 2023; Published: 14 October 2023

Near infrared spectroscopy



Blood circulation




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