1 January 1994 1040 X 1040 infrared charge sweep device imager with PtSi Schottky-barrier detectors
Akira Akiyama, Tatsuro Sasaki, Toshiki Seto, Akiyoshi Mori, Ryuji Ishigaki, Sho Itoh, Naoki Yutani, Masafumi Kimata, Natsuro Tsubouchi
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We have developed a 1-Mpixel infrared charge sweep device (IRCSD) imager for thermal imaging in the 3- to 5-μm band. The device of this imager is a 1040 x 1040 monolithic PtSi Schottky-barrier (SB) array using the charge sweep device (CSD) readout architecture. The pixel size is 17 x 17 μm2 and the fill factor of this device is 44%. In this imager system, four video signals are read out from four independent channels on the device. The processing of these four outputs, such as sample and hold (S/H), and offset control and image correction, is performed in parallel, after which these outputs are combined to produce high-definition TV (HDTV; 1125 lines, 30 Hz) format thermal image in real time. The noise-equivalent temperature difference (NETD) with f/1.2 optics at 27°C background is 0.13°C at the HDTV output stage.
Akira Akiyama, Tatsuro Sasaki, Toshiki Seto, Akiyoshi Mori, Ryuji Ishigaki, Sho Itoh, Naoki Yutani, Masafumi Kimata, and Natsuro Tsubouchi "1040 X 1040 infrared charge sweep device imager with PtSi Schottky-barrier detectors," Optical Engineering 33(1), (1 January 1994). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.162277
Published: 1 January 1994
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Imaging systems


Infrared imaging


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