1 August 1994 Reinterpretation of the neon-like titanium laser experiments
Joseph Nilsen, Brian J. MacGowan, Luiz Barroca Da Silva, Juan C. Moreno, Jeffrey A. Koch, James H. Scofield
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We present results that show lasing on the 3p->3s (J = 0->1) transition in neon-like chromium (Z = 24), iron (Z = 26), and nickel (Z = 28) at 28.5, 25.5, and 23.1 nm, respectively. These results destroy the uniqueness of the lasing observed several years ago in neon-like titanium (Z = 22) at 32.6 nm on the same transition and makes highly unlikely the hypothesis that resonant photopumping is playing a significant role in the titanium laser. The titanium, chromium, iron, and nickel experiments all require a prepulse in order to lase, and our calculations suggest that the prepulse is an exciting new way to create a uniform low-density plasma that allows the proper conditions for gain and laser propagation for low-Zneon-like ions when illuminating a thick slab target. We also present an observation of hyperfine splitting in neon-like niobium at 14.6 nm and offer an explanation as to how the hyperfine effect is reducing the gain of neon-like ions with odd Z.
Joseph Nilsen, Brian J. MacGowan, Luiz Barroca Da Silva, Juan C. Moreno, Jeffrey A. Koch, and James H. Scofield "Reinterpretation of the neon-like titanium laser experiments," Optical Engineering 33(8), (1 August 1994). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.173558
Published: 1 August 1994
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Cited by 9 scholarly publications.
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