1 July 1997 National imagery interpretation rating system and the probabilities of detection, recognition, and identification
Ronald G. Driggers, Paul G. Cox, Michael Kelley
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A large number of electro-optical (EO) and IR sensors are used on military platforms such as ground vehicles, low-altitude air vehicles, high-altitude air vehicles, and satellite systems. Ground vehicle and low-altitude air vehicle (rotary and fixed-wing aircraft) sensors typically use the probabilities of discrimination (detection, recognition, and identification) as design requirements and system performance indicators. High-altitude air vehicles and satellite sensors have traditionally used national imagery interpretation rating system (NIIRS) performance measures for guidance in design and measures of system performance. Data from the high-altitude air vehicle and satellite sensors are now being made available to the warfighter for many applications including surveillance and targeting. National imagery offices are being merged and restructured to support the warfighters and connectivities to high-altitude air vehicle sensors more effectively. It is becoming more apparent that the gap between the NIIRS approach and the probabilities of discrimination approach must be addressed. Users, engineers, and analysts must have a comparative basis for assessing the image quality between the two classes of sensors. The two approaches are described and compared.
Ronald G. Driggers, Paul G. Cox, and Michael Kelley "National imagery interpretation rating system and the probabilities of detection, recognition, and identification," Optical Engineering 36(7), (1 July 1997). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601381
Published: 1 July 1997
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Infrared sensors

Target recognition

Signal to noise ratio

Infrared imaging

Unmanned aerial vehicles

Forward looking infrared


Airborne video surveillance
Proceedings of SPIE (September 18 1998)
ATR System: An Air Force Perspective
Proceedings of SPIE (September 20 1987)

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