1 August 2011 Study on the dynamic and unpredictability properties of an optical microring resonator with modulation
Lei Yang, Wei Pan, Lian Shan Yan, Bin Luo, Shui Ying Xiang, Ning Jiang
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Funded by: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China, Fundamental Research Foundation of Sichuan Province
The unpredictability properties of an optical microring resonator with modulation are investigated quantitatively, by adopting a recently introduced quantifier, the permutation entropy (PE). We can obtain rich nonlinear dynamics, such as period, bifurcation, and chaos by changing the modulation coefficients and the input power. The effect of the nonlinear refractive index is also considered. Moreover, we adopt the permutation entropy to quantify the unpredictability of the resonator's output. The results not only qualitatively agree with the dynamical changes, but also indicate the unpredictability of the chaotic regimes. The chaotic carrier with high PE values would contribute to the unpredictability-enhanced optical microring resonator-based chaotic communication.
©(2011) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Lei Yang, Wei Pan, Lian Shan Yan, Bin Luo, Shui Ying Xiang, and Ning Jiang "Study on the dynamic and unpredictability properties of an optical microring resonator with modulation," Optical Engineering 50(8), 084203 (1 August 2011). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.3613943
Published: 1 August 2011
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Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Amplitude modulation


Phase modulation

Refractive index

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