OPTICS EAST 2006 | 1-4 OCTOBER 2006
Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II
Editor Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 6378 is from: Logo
1-4 October 2006
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Chemical and Biological Sensor Diagnostics, Standards, and Calibration
Alan C. Samuels, Joshua L. Santarpia, Jerold R. Bottiger, Scott Hunter, Edward W. Stuebing
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 637802 (2006)
Thomas A. Russell, Steven Borchardt, Richard Anderson, Patrick Treado, Jason Neiss
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 637807 (2006)
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 637808 (2006)
Christopher D. Brown, Robert L. Green
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 637809 (2006)
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780A (2006)
Michele L. Jacobson, Jordan D. Corbman, Kathy L. Rowlen
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780B (2006)
M. A. Khan, K. D. Mohan, A. N. Dharamsi
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780C (2006)
Laser-Based Sensor Technology for Ultra-Trace Gas Analysis
Alan Fried, Petter Weibring, Dirk Richter, James Walega, Chad Roller, Frank Tittel
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780F (2006)
P. M. Chu, J. T. Hodges, G. C. Rhoderick, D. Lisak, J. C. Travis
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780G (2006)
Chris Hovde, David Bomse
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780H (2006)
D. S. Bomse, M. A. Zondlo, J. A. Silver
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780I (2006)
Joel A. Silver, Mark A. Zondlo
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780J (2006)
D. S. Bomse
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780L (2006)
Alan S. Cummings, Roger J. Combs, Mark J. Thomas, Timothy Curry, Robert T. Kroutil
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780M (2006)
B. Hanoune, B. Lemoine
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780N (2006)
Optical Methods for Bioagent Detection
Nancy B. Valentine, Timothy J. Johnson, Yin-Fong Su, Joel B. Forrester
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780P (2006)
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780R (2006)
William F. Hug, Rohit Bhartia, Alexandre Tsapin, Arthur Lane, Pamela Conrad, Kripa Sijapati, Ray D. Reid
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780S (2006)
Portable Optical Technologies for CB Detection
Christopher Manning, Mike Gross, Joshah Jennings, John Wuthrich, Alan Samuels
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780T (2006)
Steven R. Cordero, Harold Mukamal, Aaron Low, Edward P. Locke, Robert A. Lieberman
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780U (2006)
Pinaki Gupta-Bhaya, Anjan Kumar Ghosh, Vishal Saxena, Joseph John
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780V (2006)
Guoying Chen, Susan Braden, Feng Qin
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780W (2006)
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780X (2006)
Dmitry Pestov, John Anderson, Gary Tepper
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780Y (2006)
M. E. Paige, Joel A. Silver, Dale Petroski, David S. Bomse
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63780Z (2006)
Clint Smith, Balaji Tatineni, John Anderson, Gary Tepper
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 637811 (2006)
Methods, Techniques, and Experimentation for Standoff Detection I
Sylvie Buteau, Jean-Robert Simard, Bernard Déry, Gilles Roy, Pierre Lahaie, Pierre Mathieu, Jim Ho, John McFee
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 637813 (2006)
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 637814 (2006)
Diana Convey, Ngoc Le, Steven M. Smith, Paige Holm, Jeffrey Baker
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 637815 (2006)
Methods, Techniques, and Experimentation for Standoff Detection II
Roland Harig, Jörn Gerhard, René Braun, Chris Dyer, Ben Truscott, Richard Moseley
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 637816 (2006)
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 637818 (2006)
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 637819 (2006)
N. Gopalsami, S. Bakhtiari, T. W. Elmer, A. C. Raptis
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63781A (2006)
Multi and Hyperspectral Image Processing for Standoff Detection
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63781B (2006)
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63781C (2006)
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63781D (2006)
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63781E (2006)
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63781F (2006)
Jyh Perng Fang, Yang-Lang Chang, Hsuan Ren, Chun-Chieh Lin, Wen-Yew Liang, Jwei-Fei Fang
Proceedings Volume Chemical and Biological Sensors for Industrial and Environmental Monitoring II, 63781G (2006)
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