1.THE OBJECTIVEThe objective of the measurement campaign was to determine the performance of the optic, specifically the half-energy width (HEW) at 1.49 keV (Al-K). This optic is to serve as the optical ‘standard’ to compare the x-ray measurement capabilities of different facilities, in preparation for the ATHENA mirror construction and testing. 2.THE OPTICThe optic tested in this paper was built by cosine measurement systems, and is identified as XOU-0055 (MM-0037). XOU-0055 is a single-shell system, comprising two mandrels from Zeiss – one characterised to represent the parabolic mirror and the other the hyperbolic mirror. Together the two mandrels form a single reflecting ‘layer’ of the x-ray optic unit (XOU). General information on the manufacturing and construction of silicon pore optics can be found elsewhere1,2. XOU-0055 was mounted inside a mirror module (MM) structure for testing at PANTER. A dummy block was placed in the second XOU position of the MM, to give the necessary mechanical stiffness to the optic structure. The dummy block did not contribute to the measurement results. Table 2-1 gives the specifications of the optic. Figure 2-1 shows a photograph of the optic prior to installation at the PANTER facility. Table 2-1:Specifications of the XOU-0055 optic, comprising two mandrels to create one silicon reflective ‘layer’
3.TEST METHODOLOGYThe test method for this optic followed the same method as previous ATHENA MM test campaigns at PANTER4, 6. As such, only a brief description is given here. 3.1Installation and SetupThe optic was installed on its side, as the ~12 m focal length of the optic restricted the setup to certain configurations. Figure 3-1a shows the optic installed in the PANTER chamber attached to a hexapod, which allows fine movements of the optic once under vacuum. The pivot point of the hexapod is set to the centre of the optic. To assist the reader in visualising the measurements in this paper, the ‘top’ of the optic is the edge of the optic closest to the roof of the facility, and the ‘bottom’ of the optic is closest to the ground. This coordinate system is indicated in Figure 3-1b. A moveable mask was installed between the optic and x-ray source, with apertures capable of illuminating 100%, 48%, and 4% of the optic. These apertures were chosen to enable characterisation of the full optic and of specific sections of the optic. The mask is visible in Figure 3-1a. 3.2AlignmentOnce under x-ray illumination, the 100% mask was aligned over the optic by observing the total x-ray count rate for the optic. The mask was moved incrementally and the corresponding change in count rate was observed using the online detector tool. Once the 100% mask was aligned, the 4% mask was aligned using geometric distances from the mask CAD drawing, then finely adjusted by eye to observe when the x-ray scattering around the point spread function (PSF) was and was not visible. The optic was aligned in pitch and yaw using the 100% mask. This is part of the standard optical alignment method at PANTER, the aim of which is to minimise the HEW and maximise the flux over a range of pitch and yaw angles4. Once the optic alignment in pitch and yaw was completed, a focus search4 was carried out to determine the best focus position for the detector. The detector was translated towards and away from the x-ray source ±50 mm around the initial in-chamber alignment position in steps of 5 mm. An exposure was made at each of these positions, and the corresponding HEW, x-FWHM, and y-FWHM calculated. Fitting a parabola to the data determined the minimum HEW and y-FWHM and the corresponding ‘best focus’ position. The y-FWHM was taken as the final fitting metric, due to the variance of the HEW across the optic surface. Cosine had measured the optic at BESSY, at the PTB XPBF 2.0 beamline7, prior to this campaign. As such, it was known that the best focus position varied across the optic. It was decided that a second focus search should be carried out, for the bottom half of the optic, using the 48% mask, where the best HEW performance was expected. The bottom-of-optic best focus position deviated from the complete optic best focus position by 28.7 mm. 3.3MeasurementsAll measurements were made at Al-K (1.49 keV). 3.3.1Single-Exposure PSF (HEW)Single-exposure PSF images were made at the position of best focus for the full optic, using the 100% mask, for approximately 10,000 counts. These exposures were used as preliminary HEW measurements, prior to the pixel scans (Section 3.3.3) being made. 3.3.2Azimuthal Scan (HEW)An azimuthal scan was carried out using the 4% mask in the best focus position for the full optic. This type of scan allows closer analysis of the optic surface, as the 4% mask illuminates only 2.5 mm of the optic per exposure. A total of 24 exposures were made, starting from the top of the optic and covering the full length of the optic. 3.3.3Pixel Scan (HEW)Following the single PSF images and the azimuthal scan, two pixel scans3,5 were made: one for the full optic and one for the bottom of the optic. A pixel scan increases the measurement resolution of the HEW by enabling sub-pixel resolution; the detector pixels are 0.075 mm x 0.075 mm, and with a 6x6-exposure pixel scan the detector movement pitch is 0.0125 mm. This measurement scans over the pixel, and is necessary because the PSF of this optic is so small that the photons encircled in the “HEW circle” during the analysis are mainly detected in one pixel. Each full pixel scan (36 exposures) yields one HEW value. 3.3.4Intra-Focal/Extra-Focal ImagesIntra-focal and extra-focal images were made of the optic, to expose any features that were not visible in the focused PSF images. Two extra-focal images and one intra-focal image were taken of the full optic using the 100% mask. These were made 340 mm and 250 mm extra-focal, and 220 mm intra-focal from the full optic best focus position. One extra-focal image was taken of the bottom of the optic using the 48% mask. This was taken 340 mm extra-focal from the bottom-of-optic best focus position. 4.RESULTSThe key results of the campaign are presented in this section, separated into the HEW (the key performance indicator) and the intra-focal and extra-focal images. 4.1HEWTable 4-1 presents the HEW values measured during this campaign using both single exposures and pixel scans. The pixel scan method is more precise thus it was expected that it would yield a slightly different HEW value to that of the single exposure method. Figure 4-1 shows the resulting PSF for the two pixel scan measurements. Table 4-1:The HEW values of the optic for each measurement set, showing the mask used and the section of the optic imaged
Figure 4-2 shows the plot of all 24 azimuthal scan HEW values for the full optic. The azimuthal measurements were made prior to the pixel scans, thus it was possible to identify the region of lowest HEW – the bottom ~30% of the optic. It is believed that the HEW of the optics varies in the sagittal direction due to the meridional curvature of the optics varying across the sagittal direction. Why this occurs is ongoing, but the measurements taken at cosine are compatible with this probable cause. 4.2Intra-Focal/Extra-Focal ImagesFigure 4-3 shows the intra-focal (220 mm) image for the full optic, using the 100% mask. Figure 4-4 shows the extra-focal at 250 mm and Figure 4-5 the extra-focal image at 340 mm for the full optic, using the 100% mask. It is clear in the distortion of the images that there is a difference across the reflecting surface of the optic. However, no unexpected features were observed in the images. 5.SUMMARYThe XOU-0055 mandrel optic has a global performance of 2.9 arcsec ± 0.1 arcsec (HEW at 1.49 keV). Despite a non-symmetric optical surface, no unexpected deviations across the surface of the optic were observed. This optic can be used to measure the performance of other x-ray integration and test facilities designed for ATHENA SPOs. 6.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSAcknowledgements go to the whole PANTER team for their continuing hard work and dedication, particularly during this challenging year. MPE acknowledges the funding from the European Space Agency for testing the ATHENA optics. Part of the work performed at PANTER has been supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 Programme under the AHEAD2020 project (grant agreement n. 871158). REFERENCESLandgraf B.,
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