17 June 1981 Overview Of Requirements For Optical Storage Media
A. A. Jamberdino
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 0263, Optical Storage Materials; (1981)
Event: Optical Storage Materials, 1980, New York, United States
Continuing advances in the technologies supporting wideband communications and information handling are leading to extremely large volume, wide bandwidth digital data systems. Until recently conventional storage techniques, through evolutionary product improvements, have been able to keep pace with the growth. However, a point has been reached where moderate technical improvements are becoming economically impractical. Recognizing these and other problems inherent to this specialized application of wideband, high density recording, RADC has undertaken through its exploratory and advanced development programs to satisfy two specific areas: First, to improve and expand upon the technology base that exists in conventional and nonconventional magnetic recording to overcome several of its deficiencies; second, in those instances where magnetic recording is not feasible due to bandwidth or packing density limitations, RADC has exploited alternative approaches. Techniques ranging from laser and electron beam on film to laser holography and optical digital disk are under investigation or in various stages of development.
© (1981) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. A. Jamberdino "Overview Of Requirements For Optical Storage Media", Proc. SPIE 0263, Optical Storage Materials, (17 June 1981);
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Data storage


Laser optics


Electron beams

Data communications

Digital holography

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