1 March 1974 Laser Recording - A Technology Assessment
Albert A. Jamberdino
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As communication and data transmission systems become more and more sophisticated, anticipated exploratory development objectives for wide-band recording go far beyond the capabilities of current data handling equipment. Typical characteristics include digital rates of 200 MBPS, 300 MBPS and even 1 GBPS (gigabit per second) with error rate requirements not to exceed 1 bit in 105, or 1 bit in 106 and analog rates in excess of 100 MHz with typical mission times of 5 to 10 minutes. The objective of this presentation is to briefly present the state-of-the-art in wideband recording, how RADC and the Air Force technology programs have impacted on this art and in what direction our future programs will be oriented. Wideband laser recording technology supports, and in some instances, is an integral part of systems and concepts which deal with sensors, communications and computerized data handling. The recorder, then, forms an important interface between the sensor and the data transmission system; and between the data transmission and the processor, analyst or user. Information collected by the advanced sensors must be stored in some appropriate form and be ready for rapid readout when the time comes to either transmit the data to other vehicles and/or ground stations or be available for further in-depth analysis. It follows, that if one is to collect and transmit these amounts of data in a timely manner, a sophisticated recording and playback capability is also required. Characteristics for these recorders include: (1) very wide bandwidths; (2) high-packing densities to reduce the total volume of recording media required; (3) large dynamic range for handling analog signals (a lesser range is required for digital recording); (4) low distortion; and (5) very good time base stability.
© (1974) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Albert A. Jamberdino "Laser Recording - A Technology Assessment", Proc. SPIE 0053, Laser Recording and Information Handling Technology I, (1 March 1974);
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Laser applications

Analog electronics

Electron beams




Digital recording

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