7 January 2002 High-resolution high-speed CT/radiography system for NDT of adhesive bonded composites
Vivek V. Nagarkar, Stuart R. Miller, Sameer V. Tipnis, Valeriy B. Gaysinskiy, Alexander Lempicki, Charles Brecher
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Adhesive bonded composites used in naval, aerospace, and automotive technologies require routine nondestructive testing (NDT) to detect flaws and other integrity-reducing anomalies such as porosity, kissing disbonds, and delaminations. We have developed an x-ray radiography/CT system with fast scanning times based on high resolution, high efficiency scintillators coupled to a 1024 x 1024 pixel CCD via a fiberoptic taper. Typical CT systems for NDT use a fan beam x-ray source and a linear array of detectors, with scan times on the order of 10 hours depending on the desired resolution. The prototype CCD-based volumetric imaging system described here is capable of reducing this scan time to less than 1 hour while significantly improving resolution. Additionally, the system is capable of both CT and standard radiographic imaging. We have integrated two different scintillators in the prototype system. One is a structured CsI(Tl) screen, and the other is a new, pixelated, transparent optical ceramic (TOC) scintillator. This unique TOC has a density of 9.5 g/cm3 and a peak emission of 610 nm, particularly suitable for Si readouts. We present here the system design and preliminary results of radiographic imaging and volumetric CT reconstruction.
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Vivek V. Nagarkar, Stuart R. Miller, Sameer V. Tipnis, Valeriy B. Gaysinskiy, Alexander Lempicki, and Charles Brecher "High-resolution high-speed CT/radiography system for NDT of adhesive bonded composites", Proc. SPIE 4503, Developments in X-Ray Tomography III, (7 January 2002); Logo
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Nondestructive evaluation




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