4 April 2011 Accurately predicting copper interconnect topographies in foundry design for manufacturability flows
Daniel Lu, Zhong Fan, Ki Duk Tak, Li-Fu Chang, Elain Zou, Jenny Jiang, Josh Yang, Linda Zhuang, Kuang Han Chen, Philippe Hurat, Hua Ding
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This paper presents a model-based Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) Design for Manufacturability (DFM) () methodology that includes an accurate prediction of post-CMP copper interconnect topographies at the advanced process technology nodes. Using procedures of extensive model calibration and validation, the CMP process model accurately predicts post-CMP dimensions, such as erosion, dishing, and copper thickness with excellent correlation to silicon measurements. This methodology provides an efficient DFM flow to detect and fix physical manufacturing hotspots related to copper pooling and Depth of Focus (DOF) failures at both block- and full chip level designs. Moreover, the predicted thickness output is used in the CMP-aware RC extraction and Timing analysis flows for better understanding of performance yield and timing impact. In addition, the CMP model can be applied to the verification of model-based dummy fill flows.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Daniel Lu, Zhong Fan, Ki Duk Tak, Li-Fu Chang, Elain Zou, Jenny Jiang, Josh Yang, Linda Zhuang, Kuang Han Chen, Philippe Hurat, and Hua Ding "Accurately predicting copper interconnect topographies in foundry design for manufacturability flows", Proc. SPIE 7974, Design for Manufacturability through Design-Process Integration V, 79740S (4 April 2011); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Chemical mechanical planarization


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Design for manufacturability


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