Dr. Gabriel Jakobson
Chief Scientist
SPIE Involvement:
Author | Instructor
Publications (5)

Proceedings Article | 28 April 2010 Paper
Proceedings Volume 7709, 77090H (2010) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.855638
KEYWORDS: Fuzzy logic, Space operations, Homeland security, Psychology, Computer science, Artificial intelligence, Telecommunications, Visual process modeling, Logic, Intelligence systems

Proceedings Article | 20 May 2009 Paper
Proceedings Volume 7352, 73520Q (2009) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.822315
KEYWORDS: Fuzzy logic, Psychology, Computer science, Artificial intelligence, Evolutionary algorithms, Research management, Neuroscience, Software engineering, Web 2.0 technologies, Data processing

Proceedings Article | 17 April 2008 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6943, 69430N (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.778635
KEYWORDS: Surgery, Cognitive modeling, Systems modeling, Telecommunications, Data modeling, Homeland security, Intelligence systems, Control systems, Signals intelligence, Space operations

Proceedings Article | 3 April 2008 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6981, 69810Q (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.778637
KEYWORDS: Systems modeling, Telecommunications, Target detection, Analytical research, Target acquisition, Situational awareness sensors, Control systems, Environmental sensing, Intelligence systems, Distributed computing

Proceedings Article | 17 March 2008 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6974, 69740D (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.777825
KEYWORDS: Intelligence systems, Sensors, Intelligent sensors, Data modeling, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Information fusion, Systems modeling, Telecommunications, Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

Proceedings Volume Editor (2)

Conference Committee Involvement (2)
Cyber Security, Situation Management, and Impact Assessment II
8 April 2010 | Orlando, Florida, United States
Intelligent Sensing, Situation Management, and Impact Assessment
16 April 2009 | Orlando, Florida, United States
Course Instructor
SC895: Introduction to Cognitive Situation Management for Tactical Operations
Modern wars are characterized by high mobility of troops and weapon systems, increasing operational tempo, and asymmetric and often unpredictable situations. Such new characteristics predicate the need for comprehensive and effective methods of battlespace situation management. Situation Management (SM) is as a synergistic goal-directed process of situation awareness, control, and prediction in dynamic operational spaces. The essential components of SM include sensing and intelligence gathering, information fusion and event correlation, modeling of the domain entities and their inter-relations, detecting and reasoning about the situations, threat situation prediction, and action planning affecting the situations. This course gives an overview of a new direction in situation management called cognitive (intelligent) situation management, i.e. on SM, which is associated with the meaning of situations and the logical methods of reasoning about the situations. In order to exhibit such intelligent capabilities, the systems should possess fairly elaborated conceptual knowledge about the domain (domain ontology). The first section of the course describes the domain of cognitive situation management, reviews the issues, and gives introductory notions of modeling complex dynamic systems and operational situation management. The second section introduces the basic elements of the formal framework of cognitive situation management. The third section gives examples of situation management. The fourth section describes the core technologies of building situation management systems. The fifth section presents a distributed architecture of a situation management system based on a multi-agent approach, describes the software system architecture based on component services, and refers to several tools of building the situation management applications. The last section will discuss some advanced topics of situation management and outline future research and development directions. Overall, the course concentrates on practical aspects, requirements, basic concepts, architecture, design and key enabling technologies of building cognitive situation management systems.
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