Dr. Sharad Sharma is an Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science, Bowie State University, Bowie, MD 20715 USA. He has received PhD. in Computer Engineering from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA in 2006 and M.S. from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA in 2003. Dr. Sharma is the Director of the Virtual Reality Laboratory at the Bowie State University. His research focus is on modeling and simulation of multi-agent systems (MAS) and multi-user virtual reality (MUVR) environments for emergency response and decision making strategies. His work is motivated by the need of research in real-time agent navigation for reaching a goal in emergency situations like evacuation. His proposed human behavior system integrates both artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic parameters. He is involved in developing new data and visualization methods for course of action planning, visualization, training, and assessment. He is also exploring socio-cultural issues in Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE) for emergency response and decision making in dense urban environments.
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