Adaptive optics (AO) is essential for many elements of the science case for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). The
initial requirements for the observatory's facility AO system include diffraction-limited performance in the near IR, with
50 per cent sky coverage at the galactic pole. Point spread function uniformity and stability over a 30 arc sec field-ofview
are also required for precision photometry and astrometry. These capabilities will be achieved via an order 60×60
multi-conjugate AO system (NFIRAOS) with two deformable mirrors, six laser guide star wavefront sensors, and three
low-order, IR, natural guide star wavefront sensors within each client instrument. The associated laser guide star facility
(LGSF) will employ 150W of laser power at a wavelength of 589 nm to generate the six laser guide stars.
We provide an update on the progress in designing, modeling, and validating these systems and their components over
the last two years. This includes work on the layouts and detailed designs of NFIRAOS and the LGSF; fabrication and
test of a full-scale prototype tip/tilt stage (TTS); Conceptual Designs Studies for the real time controller (RTC) hardware
and algorithms; fabrication and test of the detectors for the
laser- and natural-guide star wavefront sensors; AO system
modeling and performance optimization; lab tests of wavefront sensing algorithms for use with elongated laser guide
stars; and high resolution LIDAR measurements of the mesospheric sodium layer. Further details may be found in
specific papers on each of these topics.
KEYWORDS: Adaptive optics, Real-time computing, Wavefronts, Control systems, Reconstruction algorithms, Telescopes, Field programmable gate arrays, Calibration, Digital signal processing, Actuators
Achieving the science goals of TMT will require AO subsystems of unprecedented power and sophistication, including a
Real Time Controller (RTC) subsystem that will implement wavefront reconstruction and control algorithms for up to
four different laser guide star (LGS) AO systems. The requirements for the RTC represent a significant advance over the
current generation of astronomical AO control systems, both in terms of the wavefront reconstruction algorithms to be
employed and the new hardware approaches that will be required. Additionally, the number of active components
included in the AO systems and the complexity of their interactions will require a highly automated AO Sequencer that
will work in concert with the TMT Telescope and Instrument Sequencers. In this paper, we will describe the control and
software requirements for the whole AO system, and in particular for the RTC and the AO Sequencer. We will describe
the challenges involved in developing these systems and will present a conceptual design.
In this paper, we provide an overview of the adaptive optics (AO) program for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project, including an update on requirements; the philosophical approach to developing an overall AO system architecture; the recently completed conceptual designs for facility and instrument AO systems; anticipated first light capabilities and upgrade options; and the hardware, software, and controls interfaces with the remainder of the observatory. Supporting work in AO component development, lab and field tests, and simulation and analysis is also discussed. Further detail on all of these subjects may be found in additional papers in this conference.
In previous work we demonstrated a nematic liquid crystal MEMS adaptive optics system for observation of low earth orbit satellites. However the closed loop bandwidth was limited to 40 Hz due to latency in the interface electronics between the control computer and the device driver. This bandwidth is marginal for compensation of atmospheric turbulence effects, where the Greenwood frequency is often in excess of 100 Hz. Recently the interface has been redesigned and as a result we have been able to nearly double the bandwidth. In this paper we describe laboratory experiments with the faster system.
In previous work we demonstrated a nematic liquid crystal MEMS adaptive optics system for observation of low earth orbit satellites. However the closed loop bandwidth was limited to 40 Hz due to latency in the interface electronics between the control computer and the device driver. This bandwidth is marginal for compensation of atmospheric turbulence effects, where the Greenwood frequency is often in excess of 100 Hz. Recently the interface has been redesigned and as a result we have been able to nearly double the bandwidth. In this paper we describe laboratory experiments with the faster system.
We present here results using two novel adaptive optic elements, an electro-static membrane mirror built by OKO Technologies, and a dual frequency multi-segment nematic liquid crystal built by Meadowlark Optics. These devices have the advantage of low cost, low power consumption, and compact size. The total cost for these adaptive optics elements is hundreds of dollars per actuator as compared to a cost of thousands of dollars per actuator for conventional adaptive optics. Field experiments were performed on the Air Force Research Laboratory 3.67 meter telescope on Maui, Hawaii, with the aperture stopped down to 1.15 meters. It is believed that this is the first ever experimental demonstration of these two devices for adaptive correction of images of satellites. Recently, the control electronics for the liquid crystal device were rebuilt and we were able to increase the closed loop bandwidth from 40 to 80 Hz.
We present here results using two novel active optic elements, an electro-static membrane mirror, and a dual frequency nematic liquid crystal. These devices have the advantage of low cost, low power consumption, and compact size. Possible applications of the devices are astronomical adaptive optics, laser beam control, laser cavity mode control, and real time holography. Field experiments were performed on the Air Force Research Laboratory 3.6 meter telescope on Maui, Hawaii.
We present here results using two novel active optic elements, an electro-static membrane mirror, and a dual frequency nematic liquid crystal. These devices have the advantage of low cost, low power consumption, and compact size. Possible applications of the devices are astronomical adaptive optics, laser beam control, laser cavity mode control, and real time holography. Field experiments were performed on the Air Force Research Laboratory 3.6 meter telescope on Maui, Hawaii.
The multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) system design for the Gemini-South 8-meter telescope will provide near-diffraction-limited, highly uniform atmospheric turbulence compensation at near-infrared wavelengths over a 2 arc minute diameter field-of-view. The design includes three deformable mirrors optically conjugate to ranges of 0, 4.5, and 9.0 kilometers with 349, 468, and 208 actuators, five 10-Watt-class sodium laser guide stars (LGSs) projected from a laser launch telescope located behind the Gemini secondary mirror, five Shack-Hartmann LGS wavefront sensors of order 16 by 16, and three tip/tilt natural guide star (NGS) wavefront sensors to measure tip/tilt and tilt anisoplanatism wavefront errors. The WFS sampling rate is 800 Hz. This paper provides a brief overview of sample science applications and performance estimates for the Gemini South MCAO system, together with a summary of the performance requirements and/or design status of the principal subsystems. These include the adaptive optics module (AOM), the laser system (LS), the beam transfer optics (BTO) and laser launch telescope (LLT), the real time control (RTC) system, and the aircraft safety system (SALSA).
We present here results using two novel active optic elements, an electro-static membrane mirror, and a dual frequency nematic liquid crystal. These devices have the advantage of low cost, low power consumption, and compact size. Possible applications of the devices are astronomical adaptive optics, laser beam control, laser cavity mode control, and real time holography. Field experiments were performed on the Air Force Research Laboratory 3.6 meter telescope on Maui, Hawaii.
The idea of using liquid crystal as adaptive optics components has been proposed by several authors. In recent years a vigorous research effort has been carried out, and it si still flourishing, in several countries. Mainly the research and experimental work has been concentrated in US, U.K. and Russia. There are several reasons why liquid crystal may represent a valid alternative to the traditional deformable mirror technology that has been used for the past two decades or so. The main attractiveness of LC resides in the cost. Current deformable mirror technology has a range of price going from 2K to 15K per channel. LC technology promises to be at least a couple of orders of magnitude cheaper. Other reasons are connected with reliability, low power consumption and with a huge technological momentum based on a wide variety of industrial applications. IN this paper I present some of the experimental results of a 5 years, on going, research effort at the Air Force Research Lab. Most of the work has been on the development of suitable devices with extremely high optical quality, individually addressable pixels, fast switching time. The bulk of the work has been concentrated in the arena of the untwisted nematic material. However new devices are now under development using dual-frequency nematic material and high tilt angle ferroelectric material.
We demonstrate the utility of laser illuminated imaging for clandestine night time surveillance from a simulated airborne platform at standoff ranges in excess 20 km. In order to reduce the necessary laser per pulse energy required for illumination at such long ranges, and to mitigate atmospheric turbulence effects on image resolution, we have investigated a unique multi-frame post-processing technique. It is shown that in the presence of atmospheric turbulence and coherent speckle effects, this approach can produce superior results to conventional scene flood illumination.
We present here results of laboratory experiments using a dual frequency nematic liquid crystal. These devices have the advantage of low cost, low power consumption, and compact size. Possible applications of the devices are astronomical adaptive optics, laser beam control, laser cavity mode control, and real time holography.
We demonstrate the utility of laser illuminated imaging for clandestine night time surveillance from a simulated airborne platform at standoff ranges in excess 20 km. In order to reduce the necessary laser per pulse energy required for illumination at such long ranges, and to mitigate atmospheric turbulence effects on image resolution, we have investigated a unique multi-frame post-processing technique. It is shown that in the presence of atmospheric turbulence and coherent speckle effects, this approach can produce superior results to conventional scene flood illumination.
We describe here a preliminary set of experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of laser illuminated imagery for remote surveillance from an airborne platform. Such an imaging sensor enhances the presently available sensor suite in that it provides high resolution day and night capability.
We discuss the use of Liquid Crystal Phase Modulators (LCPM) as a repeatable test source for use with adaptive optics systems. LCPMs have the potential to induce controlled, repeatable, dynamic aberrations into optical system at low cost, low complexity, and high flexibility. Since they are programmable, and can be operate as transmissive elements, they can easily be inserted into the optical path of an adaptive optics system and used to generate a disturbance test source. Laboratory experiments with a Meadowlark liquid crystal phase modulator are presented.
We discuss the use of Liquid Crystal Phase Modulators (LCPM) as a repeatable disturbance test source for use with adaptive optics systems. LCPMs have the potential to induce controlled, repeatable, dynamic aberrations into optical systems at low cost, low complexity, and high flexibility. Since they are programmable, and can be operated as transmissive elements, they can easily be inserted into the optical path of an adaptive optics system and used to generate a disturbance test source. Laboratory experiments with a Meadowlark LCPM are presented.
Nematic liquid crystals have been sued as phase retarders in adaptive optics system for more than 10 years. Liquid crystal spatial light modulators (SLMs) can be very useful both as controlled disturbances for characterizing adaptive optics systems, and as wavefront correctors. Of the available options, SLMs have the advantages of low cost, reliability, compactness, low power, ease of controllability, optical transmissivity, and simple aperture scalability. Moreover, these devices are very non-linear and normally have quite different response times in the increasing versus the decreasing phase direction. The current limitation for using these devices in atmospheric adaptive systems is their relatively slow response times, not only for small phase steps in the excitation direction, but for all steps in the relaxation direction. The response time in both directions can be significantly improved by exploiting two important properties of certain nematic liquid crystals: the Dual-Frequency Effect and the Transient Nematic Effect. This paper presents the details of custom- built electronic hardware that takes advantage of these two effects to implement (lambda) /10 phase accuracy with millisecond settling time for both increasing and decreasing phase shifts.
Multi-segment liquid crystal spatial light modulators have received much attention recently for use as high-precision wave-front control devices for use in astronomical and non- astronomical applications. They act much like piston only segmented deformable mirrors. In this paper we investigate the use of these devices in conjunction with a Shack- Hartmann wavefront sensor. In this paper we consider a zonal algorithm in order to take advantage of high speed matrix multiply hardware which we have in hand.
KEYWORDS: Signal to noise ratio, Adaptive optics, Speckle, Actuators, Computer simulations, Deformable mirrors, Telescopes, Mirrors, Control systems, Imaging systems
It has been demonstrated both with computer simulation and field experiments that low order adaptive optics can improve the signal to noise ration in subsequent computer post- processing algorithms, especially when viewing an extended object. In this presentation we show open and closed loop images of a meteorological satellite taken with a low order adaptive optics instrument package mounted on the side of the Air Force's 3.5 meter telescope. The images are subsequently post-processed using speckle algorithms. It is shown that the boost in post-processing signal to noise ratio, provided by the low order adaptive optics, closely corresponds to computer simulation results.
Multi-segment liquid crystal spatial light modulators have received much attention recently for use as high-precision wavefront control devices for use in astronomical and non- astronomical applications. They act much like piston only segmented deformable mirrors. In this paper we investigate the use of these devices in conjunction with a Shack-Hartmann wave-front sensor. Previous investigators have considered Zernike modal control algorithms. In this paper we consider a zonal algorithm in order to take advantage of high speed matrix multiply hardware which we have in hand.
This paper describes the differential phase experiment (DPE) which formed a major part of the ABLE ACE suite of experiments conducted by the Air Force. The work described covers the rationale for the experiment, the basic experimental concept, the analysis of the differential phase, the optical and software design analysis, a discussion of the polarization scrambling characteristics of the optics, calibration of the equipment and a presentation of some of the major results of the data reduction effort to date. The DPE was a propagation experiment conducted between two aircraft flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet whose purpose was to measure the phase difference between two beams propagating at slightly different angels through the atmosphere. A four bin polarization interferometer was used to measure the differential phase. Due to the high level of scintillation that was presented branch points were present in the phase function. Rytov theory, wave optics simulation and the experimental measurements are in general agreement. Self consistency checks that were performed on the data indicate a high level of confidence in the results. Values of Cn2 that are consistent with the measurements of the differential phase agree with simultaneous scintillometer measurement taken long the same path in levels of turbulence where the scintillometer is not saturated. These differential phase based Cn2 estimates do not appear to saturate as is typical of scintillometer measurements and appear to extend the range over which high levels of Cn2 can be estimated. In addition the differential phase and anisoplanatic Strehl computed from the data is consistent with Rytov theory and wave optics simulations.
The AMOS daylight optical near-infrared imaging system, acronym ADONIS, is a sensor system designed for collecting satellite images under daylight conditions and employing speckle post-processing for enhancement of the resulting images. This paper presents our solution (the ADONIS system) to the daylight observation problem by first establishing the issues related to radiometry, daylight detection, and incoherent speckle imaging. System design resolution optimization results are presented. ADONIS imaging results and conclusions based on these results also are presented.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the daytime tracking of astronomical objects. We are interested in this because many stars are not visible in the night sky, or we may want to perform around the clock observation of other astronomical objects. Daytime tracking presents many difficulties, including high sky background levels and low object to background contrast. In this paper I will describe a daytime tracker experiment, give a description of the various components, and talk about the bandwidth requirements and performance of the system. I will discuss the contrast and background problems as well as the use of video processor boards to mitigate these problems.
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