Dr. Suwas Nikumb is senior research officer and scientific advisor, at the National Research Council of Canada in London, Ontario. He received his MSc and PhD in Laser Physics from the University of Pune, India in 1974 and 1980 respectively. From 1979 to 1984 he worked at Jyoti Ltd., Vadodara, India, as Laser Engineer. He was Research Associate in the high power laser group, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Alberta prior to joining NRC. His research background includes multi-kilowatt laser materials processing, precision micromachining using short pulse, DPSS lasers and their applications to micro-miniature devices, sensors and products. He has led a number of projects including laser development, laser texturing/polishing, porous semiconductors, photonic band gap materials, machine & process dynamics, micro-devices & sensor fabrication, micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS), laser joining and kilowatt carbon di-oxide lasers applications. His scientific contributions cover more than 219 publications as well as 12 US/Can patents. He has collaborated with many industries, defense and academic institutions and has successfully led international collaborations with Taiwan, Singapore, Korea and India. He has 16 institutional awards to his credit including the prestigious Federal Partners for Technology Transfer (FPTT), NRC’s Eminent Researcher and Outstanding Achievement awards. He serves on NSERC SPG and CSA’s standards committees. Since 1995 he is Adjunct Professor at the Dept. of Mechanical & Materials Engineering as well as a member of the graduate research committee at the Western University in London, Ontario.
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