Kate Grieve, research director and team leader at the Vision Institute, Paris and scientific director of the "Paris Eye Imaging" ocular imaging unit, at the Quinze Vingts National Ophthalmology Hospital, Paris, is an expert in optical imaging. Her research aims to develop non-invasive optical measurements of retinal cell structure and function in the living human eye, as well as in cell cultures in the lab. This development contributes to improving the diagnosis and monitoring of ophthalmological pathologies, as well as to evaluating the results of therapy. She has particularly contributed to the development of full field optical coherence tomography and adaptive optics technologies. Kate was awarded a 2020 ERC Consolidator grant, and both the “Jean Jerphagnon” prize for optics and the “Innovators Prize” of the Paris region in 2022.
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Optical phase modulation by natural eye movements: application to time-domain FF-OCT image retrieval
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