Spider is a balloon-borne instrument designed to map the cosmic microwave background at degree-angular scales in the presence of Galactic foregrounds. Spider has mapped a large sky area in the Southern Hemisphere using more than 2000 transition-edge sensors (TESs) during two NASA Long Duration Balloon flights above the Antarctic continent. During its first flight in January 2015, Spider was observed in the 95- and 150-GHz frequency bands, setting constraints on the B-mode signature of primordial gravitational waves. Its second flight in the 2022–2023 season added new receivers at 280 GHz, each using an array of TESs coupled to the sky through feedhorns formed from stacks of silicon wafers. These receivers are optimized to produce deep maps of polarized Galactic dust emission over a large sky area, providing a unique data set with lasting value to the field. We describe the instrument’s performance during Spider’s second flight, focusing on the performance of the 280-GHz receivers. We include details on the flight, in-band optical loading at float, and an early analysis of detector noise.
Large-format infrared detectors are at the heart of major ground and space-based astronomical instruments, and the HgCdTe HxRG is the most widely used. The Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) of the ESA’s Euclid mission launched in July 2023 hosts 16 H2RG detectors in the focal plane. Their performance relies heavily on the effect of image persistence, which results in residual images that can remain in the detector for a long time contaminating any subsequent observations. Deriving a precise model of image persistence is challenging due to the sensitivity of this effect to observation history going back hours or even days. Nevertheless, persistence removal is a critical part of image processing because it limits the accuracy of the derived cosmological parameters. We will present the empirical model of image persistence derived from ground characterization data, adapted to the Euclid observation sequence and compared with the data obtained during the in-orbit calibrations of the satellite.
The FGS is one of two scientific instruments on board the ESA ARIEL space telescope, which ESA plans to launch in 2029. The aim of the mission is to characterize the atmospheres of several hundred different exoplanets. The FGS is an opto-electronic instrument – a photometer and a near infra-red spectrometer. Although FGS stands for Fine Guidance System, in fact it has two main goals: to deliver scientific data of observed exoplanets, precisely speaking, their atmospheres, and to support the spacecraft’s AOCS with very precise pointing and guiding towards observation objects. This paper presents an overview of the current FGS design and implementation. The instrument is in the middle step between successfully passed iPDR and upcoming iCDR. Up to now, the team successfully built a prototype of the instrument, and is working on the manufacturing of the engineering and engineering-qualification models.
Euclid, the M2 mission of the ESA’s Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 program, aims to explore the Dark Universe by conducting a survey of approximately 14 000 deg2 and creating a 3D map of the observable Universe of around 1.5 billion galaxies up to redshift z ∼ 2. This mission uses two main cosmological probes: weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering, leveraging the high-resolution imaging capabilities of the Visual Imaging (VIS) instrument and the photometric and spectroscopic measurements of the Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) instrument. This paper details some of the activities performed during the commissioning phase of the NISP instrument, following the launch of Euclid on July 1, 2023. In particular, we focus on the calibration of the NISP detectors’ baseline and on the performance of a parameter provided by the onboard data processing (called NISP Quality Factor, QF) in detecting the variability of the flux of cosmic rays hitting the NISP detectors. The NISP focal plane hosts sixteen Teledyne HAWAII-2RG (H2RG) detectors. The calibration of these detectors includes the baseline optimization, which optimizes the dynamic range and stability of the signal acquisition. Additionally, this paper investigates the impact of Solar proton flux on the NISP QF, particularly during periods of high Solar activity. Applying a selection criterion on the QF (called NISP QF Proxy), the excess counts are used to monitor the amount of charged particles hitting the NISP detectors. A good correlation was found between the Solar proton flux component above 30 MeV and the NISP QF Proxy, revealing that NISP detectors are not subject to the lower energy components, which are absorbed by the shielding provided by the spacecraft.
Ariel is the M4 mission of the ESA’s Cosmic Vision Program 2015-2025, whose aim is to characterize by lowresolution transit spectroscopy the atmospheres of over one thousand warm and hot exoplanets orbiting nearby stars. It has been selected by ESA in March 2018 and adopted in November 2020 to be flown, then, in 2029. It is the first survey mission dedicated to measuring the chemical composition and thermal structures of the atmospheres of hundreds of transiting exoplanets, in order to enable planetary science far beyond the boundaries of the Solar System. The Payload (P/L) is based on a cold section (PLM – Payload Module) working at cryogenic temperatures and a warm section, located within the Spacecraft (S/C) Service Vehicle Module (SVM) and hosting five warm units operated at ambient temperature (253-313 K). The P/L and its electrical, electronic and data handling architecture has been designed and optimized to perform transit spectroscopy from space during primary and secondary planetary eclipses in order to achieve a large set of unbiased observations to shed light and fully understand the nature of exoplanets atmospheres, retrieving information about planets interior and determining the key factors affecting the formation and evolution of planetary systems.
The Ariel space mission will characterize spectroscopically the atmospheres of a large and diverse sample of hundreds of exoplanets. Through the study of targets with a wide range of planetary parameters (mass, density, equilibrium temperature) and host star types the origin for the diversity observed in known exoplanets will be better understood. Ariel is an ESA Medium class science mission (M4) with a spacecraft bus developed by industry under contract to ESA, and a Payload provided by a consortium of national funding agencies in ESA member states, plus contributions from NASA, the CSA and JAXA. The payload is based on a 1-meter class telescope operated at below 60K, built all in Aluminium, which feeds two science instruments. A multi-channel photometer and low-resolution spectrometer instrument (the FGS, Fine Guidance System instrument) operating from 0.5 – 1.95 microns in wavelength provides both guidance information for stabilizing the spacecraft pointing as well as vital scientific information from spectroscopy in the near-infrared and photometry in the visible channels. The Ariel InfraRed Spectrometer (AIRS) instrument provides medium resolution spectroscopy from 1.95 – 7.8 microns wavelength coverage over two instrument channels. Supporting subsystems provide the necessary mechanical, thermal and electronics support to the cryogenic payload. This paper presents the overall picture of the payload for the Ariel mission. The payload tightly integrates the design and analysis of the various payload elements (including for example the integrated STOP analysis of the Telescope and Common Optics) in order to allow the exacting photometric stability requirements for the mission to be met. The Ariel payload has passed through the Preliminary Design Review (completed in Q2 2023) and is now developing and building prototype models of the Telescope, Instruments and Subsystems (details of which will be provided in other contributions to this conference). This paper will present the current status of the development work and outline the future plans to complete the build and verification of the integrated payload.
SPIDER is a balloon-borne instrument designed to map the cosmic microwave background at degree-angular scales in the presence of Galactic foregrounds. Spider has mapped a large sky area in the Southern Hemisphere using more than 2000 transition-edge sensors (TESs) during two NASA Long Duration Balloon flights above the Antarctic continent. During its first flight in January 2015, Spider observed in the 95 GHz and 150 GHz frequency bands, setting constraints on the B-mode signature of primordial gravitational waves. Its second flight in the 2022-23 season added new receivers at 280 GHz, each using an array of TESs coupled to the sky through feedhorns formed from stacks of silicon wafers. These receivers are optimized to produce deep maps of polarized Galactic dust emission over a large sky area, providing a unique data set with lasting value to the field. In this work, we describe the instrument’s performance during SPIDER’s second flight.
We describe the design of the cryogenic packaging and testing of the Sensor Chip Electronics (SCE) delivered to the Near-Infrared Spectro-Photometer (NISP) instrument for the ESA Euclid mission. The Euclid mission will observe 15 000 deg2 of extragalactic sky1 from the Sun{Earth Lagrange point L2. The payload of the Euclid spacecraft consists of a telescope with 1.2m SiC primary mirror, passively cooled to ~ 125 K, and two focal plane instruments, the visible instrument (VIS) and NISP. At the heart of the NISP instrument is a 4 x 4 mosaic focal plane of Teledyne H2RG infrared detector arrays held at 100K linked using a cryogenic ex cable (CFC) to the SCE at as low as 130 K. The SCE uses the Teledyne SIDECAR Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) to provide timing, biases, communications, and data conversion for operation of the HAWAII 2 RG (H2RG) Sensor Chip Assembly (SCA) and interfaces to the NISP warm electronics. The SIDECAR ASIC is mounted onto a Silicon Fanout (SiFO) and Invar table support structure and then wirebonded to a printed wiring board assembly (PWB) with passive components and 91-pin nanoconnectors. The PWB is housed within an enclosure which serves as the mechanical and thermal interface to the NISP Support Structure. The qualification and flight SCE were assembled and subjected to environmental testing at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and then calibrated and tested with the flight lot SCA and CFC at Goddard Space Flight Centers Detector Characterization Lab. The results of the qualification and reliability tests as well as the measured characteristics of the flight SCE will be summarized.
ESA’s mission Euclid while undertaking its final integration stage is fully qualified. Euclid will perform an extra galactic survey (0<z<2) using visible and near-infrared light. To detect the infrared radiation is equipped with the Near Infrared Spectro-Photometer (NISP) instrument with a sensitivity in the 0.9-2 μm range. We present an illustration of the NISP Data Processing Unit’s Application Software, highlighting the experimental process to obtain the final parametrization of the on-board processing of data produced by an array of 16 Teledyne’s HAWAII-2RG (HgCdTe) - each of 2048×2048 px2, 0.3 arcsec/px, 18 μm pixel pitch; using data from the latest test campaigns done with the flight configuration hardware - complete optical system (Korsh anastigmat telescope), detectors array (0.56 deg2 firld of view) and readout systems (16 Digital Control Units and Sidecar ASICs). Also, we show the outstanding Spectrometric (using a Blue and two Red Grisms) and Photometric (using YE 0.92-1.15μm, JE 1.15-1.37μm, and HE 1.37-2.0 μm filters) performances of the NISP detector derived from the end-to-end payload module test campaign at FOCAL 5 - CSL; among them the Photometric Point Spread Function (PSF) determination, and the Spectroscopic dispersion verification. Also the performances of the onboard processing are presented. Then, we describe the solution of a major issue found during this final test phase that put NISP in the critical path. We will describe how the problem was eventually understood and solved thanks to an intensive coordinated effort of an independent review team (tiger team lead by ESA) and a team of NISP experts from the Euclid Consortium. An extended PLM level campaign in ambient in Liege and a dedicated test campaign conducted in Marseille on the NISP EQM model, with both industrial and managerial support, finally confirmed the correctness of the diagnosis of the problem. Finally, the Euclid’s survey is presented (14000 deg2 wide survey, and ∼40 deg2 deep-survey) as well as the global statistics for a mission lifetime of 6 years (∼1.5 billion Galaxy’s shapes, and ∼50 million Galaxy’s spectra).
The NISP (Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer) is one of the two Euclid instruments (see ref [1]). It operates in the near-IR spectral region (950-2020nm) as a photometer and spectrometer. The instrument is composed of: - a cold (135K) optomechanical subsystem consisting of a Silicon carbide structure, an optical assembly, a filter wheel mechanism, a grism wheel mechanism, a calibration unit and a thermal control system - a detection system based on a mosaic of 16 H2RG with their front-end readout electronic. - a warm electronic system (290K) composed of a data processing / detector control unit and of an instrument control unit that interfaces with the spacecraft via a 1553 bus for command and control and via Spacewire links for science data This paper presents: - the final architecture of the flight model instrument and subsystems - the performances and the ground calibration measurement done at NISP level and at Euclid Payload Module level at operational cold temperature.
Within this paper, we describe architecture and functionality of the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS), one of two instruments on-board ESA ARIEL mission. We present a conceptual design, development models, related challenges, and opportunities as seen at iPDR milestone.
The Atmospheric Remote-Sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, ARIEL, has been selected to be the next (M4) medium class space mission in the ESA Cosmic Vision programme. From launch in 2028, and during the following 4 years of operation, ARIEL will perform precise spectroscopy of the atmospheres of ~1000 known transiting exoplanets using its metre-class telescope. A three-band photometer and three spectrometers cover the 0.5 µm to 7.8 µm region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
This paper gives an overview of the mission payload, including the telescope assembly, the FGS (Fine Guidance System) - which provides both pointing information to the spacecraft and scientific photometry and low-resolution spectrometer data, the ARIEL InfraRed Spectrometer (AIRS), and other payload infrastructure such as the warm electronics, structures and cryogenic cooling systems.
In this work we describe upgrades to the Spider balloon-borne telescope in preparation for its second flight, currently planned for December 2021. The Spider instrument is optimized to search for a primordial B-mode polarization signature in the cosmic microwave background at degree angular scales. During its first flight in 2015, Spider mapped ~10% of the sky at 95 and 150 GHz. The payload for the second Antarctic flight will incorporate three new 280 GHz receivers alongside three refurbished 95- and 150 GHz receivers from Spider's first flight. In this work we discuss the design and characterization of these new receivers, which employ over 1500 feedhorn-coupled transition-edge sensors. We describe pre-flight laboratory measurements of detector properties, and the optical performance of completed receivers. These receivers will map a wide area of the sky at 280 GHz, providing new information on polarized Galactic dust emission that will help to separate it from the cosmological signal.
The detector system for the Euclid Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) instrument is a 4×4 mosaic focal plane of 16 H2RG (2K×2K pixels) infrared Sensor Chip Assemblies (SCAs) and 16 SIDECAR ASIC Sensor Chip Electronics (SCE) modules. Teledyne has successfully completed the fabrication, testing, and delivery of 24 sciencegrade flight candidate SCAs to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). These SCAs were made with Teledyne’s TRL-9 substrate-removed MBE mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe) 2.3 μm cutoff detector material and low-noise H2RG CMOS readout chip. The SCAs are mounted on a buttable molybdenum package that enables close packing of the 16 flight SCAs in the NISP focal plane. In this paper, we present the test results of the 24 Euclid flight candidate SCAs. The key detector performance parameters that are critical to the NISP instrument are: high in-band quantum efficiency with good spatial uniformity, low readout noise, low dark current with tight distribution, low pixel crosstalk, low persistence, and good detector surface metrology profile. All 24 SCAs exceed the Euclid NISP performance and interface requirements. The additional acceptance testing at JPL and NASA Goddard’s Detector Characterization Lab has also been completed. 20 flight SCAs have been delivered to European Space Agency (ESA).
Cleanliness specifications for infrared detector arrays are usually so stringent that effects are neglibile. However, the specifications determine only the level of particulates and areal density of molecular layer on the surface, but the chemical composition of these contaminants are not specified. Here, we use a model to assess the impact on system quantum efficiency from possible contaminants that could accidentally transfer or cryopump to the detector during instrument or spacecraft testing and on orbit operation. Contaminant layers thin enough to meet typical specifications, < 0.5μgram/cm2, have a negligible effect on the net quantum efficiency of the detector, provided that the contaminant does not react with the detector surface, Performance impacts from these contaminant plating onto the surface become important for thicknesses 5 - 50μgram/cm2. Importantly, detectable change in the ”ripple” of the anti reflection coating occurs at these coverages and can enhance the system quantum efficiency. This is a factor 10 less coverage for which loss from molecular absorption lines is important. Thus, should contamination be suspected during instrument test or flight, detailed modelling of the layer on the detector and response to very well known calibrations sources would be useful to determine the impact on detector performance.
The Euclid mission objective is to understand why the expansion of the Universe is accelerating through by mapping the geometry of the dark Universe
by investigating the distance-redshift relationship and tracing the evolution of cosmic structures. The Euclid project is part of ESA's Cosmic Vision
program with its launch planned for 2020 (ref [1]).
The NISP (Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer) is one of the two Euclid instruments and is operating in the near-IR spectral region (900-
2000nm) as a photometer and spectrometer. The instrument is composed of:
- a cold (135K) optomechanical subsystem consisting of a Silicon carbide structure, an optical assembly (corrector and camera lens), a filter wheel
mechanism, a grism wheel mechanism, a calibration unit and a thermal control system
- a detection subsystem based on a mosaic of 16 HAWAII2RG cooled to 95K with their front-end readout electronic cooled to 140K, integrated on a
mechanical focal plane structure made with molybdenum and aluminum. The detection subsystem is mounted on the optomechanical subsystem
- a warm electronic subsystem (280K) composed of a data processing / detector control unit and of an instrument control unit that interfaces with the
spacecraft via a 1553 bus for command and control and via Spacewire links for science data
This presentation describes the architecture of the instrument at the end of the phase C (Detailed Design Review), the expected performance, the
technological key challenges and preliminary test results obtained for different NISP subsystem breadboards and for the NISP Structural and Thermal
model (STM).
In support of the European space agency (ESA) Euclid mission, NASA is responsible for the evaluation of the H2RG mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) detectors and electronics assemblies fabricated by Teledyne imaging systems. The detector evaluation is performed in the detector characterization laboratory (DCL) at the NASA Goddard space flight center (GSFC) in close collaboration with engineers and scientists from the jet propulsion laboratory (JPL) and the Euclid project. The Euclid near infrared spectrometer and imaging photometer (NISP) will perform large area optical and spectroscopic sky surveys in the 0.9-2.02 μm infrared (IR) region. The NISP instrument will contain sixteen detector arrays each coupled to a Teledyne SIDECAR application specific integrated circuit (ASIC). The focal plane will operate at 100K and the SIDECAR ASIC will be in close proximity operating at a slightly higher temperature of 137K. This paper will describe the test configuration, performance tests and results of the latest engineering run, also known as pilot run 3 (PR3), consisting of four H2RG detectors operating simultaneously. Performance data will be presented on; noise, spectral quantum efficiency, dark current, persistence, pixel yield, pixel to pixel uniformity, linearity, inter pixel crosstalk, full well and dynamic range, power dissipation, thermal response and unit cell input sensitivity.
In June 2012, Euclid, ESA's Cosmology mission was approved for implementation. Afterwards the industrial contracts were signed for the payload module and the spacecraft prime, and the mission requirements consolidated. We present the status of the mission in the light of the design solutions adopted by the contractors. The performances of the spacecraft in its operation, the telescope assembly, the scientific instruments as well as the data-processing have been carefully budgeted to meet the demanding scientific requirements. We give an overview of the system and where necessary the key items for the interfaces between the subsystems.
The Euclid mission objective is to understand why the expansion of the Universe is accelerating by mapping the geometry of the dark Universe by
investigating the distance-redshift relationship and tracing the evolution of cosmic structures. The Euclid project is part of ESA's Cosmic Vision
program with its launch planned for 2020.
The NISP (Near Infrared Spectro-Photometer) is one of the two Euclid instruments and is operating in the near-IR spectral region (0.9-2μm) as a
photometer and spectrometer. The instrument is composed of:
- a cold (135K) optomechanical subsystem consisting of a SiC structure, an optical assembly (corrector and camera lens), a filter wheel mechanism, a
grism wheel mechanism, a calibration unit and a thermal control system
- a detection subsystem based on a mosaic of 16 Teledyne HAWAII2RG cooled to 95K with their front-end readout electronic cooled to 140K,
integrated on a mechanical focal plane structure made with Molybdenum and Aluminum. The detection subsystem is mounted on the optomechanical
subsystem structure
- a warm electronic subsystem (280K) composed of a data processing / detector control unit and of an instrument control unit that interfaces with the
spacecraft via a 1553 bus for command and control and via Spacewire links for science data
This presentation describes the architecture of the instrument at the end of the phase B (Preliminary Design Review), the expected performance, the
technological key challenges and preliminary test results obtained on a detection system demonstration model.
We present the results of integration and characterization of the Spider instrument after the 2013 pre-flight campaign. Spider is a balloon-borne polarimeter designed to probe the primordial gravitational wave signal in the degree-scale B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background. With six independent telescopes housing over 2000 detectors in the 94 GHz and 150 GHz frequency bands, Spider will map 7.5% of the sky with a depth of 11 to 14 μK•arcmin at each frequency, which is a factor of ~5 improvement over Planck. We discuss the integration of the pointing, cryogenic, electronics, and power sub-systems, as well as pre-flight characterization of the detectors and optical systems. Spider is well prepared for a December 2014 flight from Antarctica, and is expected to be limited by astrophysical foreground emission, and not instrumental sensitivity, over the survey region.
An attitude determination system for balloon-borne experiments is presented. The system provides pointing information in azimuth and elevation for instruments flying on stratospheric balloons over Antarctica. In-flight attitude is given by the real-time combination of readings from star cameras, a magnetometer, sun sensors, GPS, gyroscopes, tilt sensors and an elevation encoder. Post-flight attitude reconstruction is determined from star camera solutions, interpolated by the gyroscopes using an extended Kalman Filter. The multi-sensor system was employed by the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope for Polarimetry (BLASTPol), an experiment that measures polarized thermal emission from interstellar dust clouds. A similar system was designed for the upcoming flight of Spider, a Cosmic Microwave Background polarization experiment. The pointing requirements for these experiments are discussed, as well as the challenges in designing attitude reconstruction systems for high altitude balloon flights. In the 2010 and 2012 BLASTPol flights from McMurdo Station, Antarctica, the system demonstrated an accuracy of < 5’ rms in-flight, and < 5” rms post-flight.
KEYWORDS: Digital signal processing, Control systems, Servomechanisms, Telescopes, Actuators, Gyroscopes, Sensors, Electroluminescence, Computer programming, Polarization
We present the technology and control methods developed for the pointing system of the Spider experiment. Spider is a balloon-borne polarimeter designed to detect the imprint of primordial gravitational waves in the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation. We describe the two main components of the telescope’s azimuth drive: the reaction wheel and the motorized pivot. A 13 kHz PI control loop runs on a digital signal processor, with feedback from fibre optic rate gyroscopes. This system can control azimuthal speed with < 0.02 deg/s RMS error. To control elevation, Spider uses stepper-motor-driven linear actuators to rotate the cryostat, which houses the optical instruments, relative to the outer frame. With the velocity in each axis controlled in this way, higher-level control loops on the onboard flight computers can implement the pointing and scanning observation modes required for the experiment. We have accomplished the non-trivial task of scanning a 5000 lb payload sinusoidally in azimuth at a peak acceleration of 0.8 deg/s2, and a peak speed of 6 deg/s. We can do so while reliably achieving sub-arcminute pointing control accuracy.
We introduce the light-weight carbon fiber and aluminum gondola designed for the Spider balloon-borne telescope. Spider is designed to measure the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation with unprecedented sensitivity and control of systematics in search of the imprint of inflation: a period of exponential expansion in the early Universe. The requirements of this balloon-borne instrument put tight constrains on the mass budget of the payload. The Spider gondola is designed to house the experiment and guarantee its operational and structural integrity during its balloon-borne flight, while using less than 10% of the total mass of the payload. We present a construction method for the gondola based on carbon fiber reinforced polymer tubes with aluminum inserts and aluminum multi-tube joints. We describe the validation of the model through Finite Element Analysis and mechanical tests.
KEYWORDS: Bolometers, Digital signal processing, Analog electronics, Cryogenics, Electronics, Control systems, Physics, Sensors, Telescopes, Signal processing
We present the second generation BLASTbus electronics. The primary purposes of this system are detector readout, attitude control, and cryogenic housekeeping, for balloon-borne telescopes. Readout of neutron transmutation doped germanium (NTD-Ge) bolometers requires low noise and parallel acquisition of hundreds of analog signals. Controlling a telescope's attitude requires the capability to interface to a wide variety of sensors and motors, and to use them together in a fast, closed loop. To achieve these different goals, the BLASTbus system employs a flexible motherboard-daughterboard architecture. The programmable motherboard features a digital signal processor (DSP) and field-programmable gate array (FPGA), as well as slots for three daughterboards. The daughterboards provide the interface to the outside world, with versions for analog to digital conversion, and optoisolated digital input/output. With the versatility afforded by this design, the BLASTbus also finds uses in cryogenic, thermometry, and power systems. For accurate timing control to tie everything together, the system operates in a fully synchronous manner. BLASTbus electronics have been successfully deployed to the South Pole, and own on stratospheric balloons.
We report experimental progress toward demonstrating background-limited arrays of membrane-isolated transition-edge sensors (TESs) for the Background Limited Infrared/Sub-mm Spectrograph (BLISS). BLISS is a space-borne instrument with grating spectrometers for wavelengths λ= 35-435 μm and with R= λ/Δλ~500. The goals for BLISS TESs are: noise equivalent power (NEP) = 5×10-20 W/Hz1/2 and response time τ<30ms. We expect background-limited performance from bilayers TESs with TC=65mK and G=15fW/K. However, such TESs cannot be operated at 50mK unless stray power on the devices, or dark power PD, is less than 200aW. We describe criteria for measuring PD that requires accurate knowledge of TC. Ultimately, we fabricated superconducting thermistors from Ir (TC≥135mK) and Mo/Cu proximitized bilayers, where TC is the thermistor transition temperature. We measured the Ir TES arrays in our 45mK base temperature adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator test system, which can measure up to eight 1x32 arrays simultaneously using a time-division multiplexer, as well as our single-pixel test system which can measure down to 15mK. In our previous Ir array measurements our best reported performance was NEP=2.5×10-19 W/Hz1/2 and τ~5ms for straight-beam TESs. In fact, we expected NEP 1.5×10-19W/Hz1/2 for meander beam TESs, but did not achieve this previously due to 1/f noise. Here, we detail improvements toward measuring the expected NEP and demonstrate NEP=(1.3±0.2)×10-19W/Hz1/2 in our single-pixel test system and NEP=(1.6±0.3)×10-19W/Hz1/2 in our array test system.
We are developing the Background-Limited Infrared-Submillimeter Spectrograph (BLISS) for SPICA to provide a breakthrough capability for far-IR survey spectroscopy. The 3.2-meter, actively-cooled (T<6K) SPICA telescope allows mid-IR to submm observations which are limited only by the natural backgrounds, and BLISS is designed
to operate near this fundamental limit. BLISS-SPICA provide a line sensitivity of 10-20 W m-2 , thereby enabling
spectroscopy of dust-obscured galaxies at all epochs back to the first billion years after the Big Bang (redshift
6), and study of all stages of planet formation in circumstellar disks.
BLISS covers the 35-430 micron waveband at moderate resolving power (300<R<700) in six grating spec trometer bands, each coupling at least two 2 sky positions simultaneously. The instrument is cooled with an on-board refrigerator to 50 mK for optimal sensitivity. The detector package in the goal implementation is 4200 silicon-nitride micro-mesh leg-isolated bolometers with superconducting transition-edge-sensed (TES) thermis tors, read out with a cryogenic time-domain multiplexer. The instrument is designed to fit within the stringent SPICA resource allocations for mass and heat lift, and to mitigate the impact of cosmic rays. We report on this design and our progress in prototyping and validating the BLISS spectrometers and prototype cooler. A companion paper in Conference 8452 (A. Beyer et al.) discusses in greater detail the progress in the BLISS TES bolometer development.
We are developing the Background-Limited Infrared-Submillimeter Spectrograph (BLISS) for SPICA to provide
a breakthrough capability for far-IR survey spectroscopy. SPICAs large cold aperture allows mid-IR to submm
observations which are limited only by the natural backgrounds, and BLISS is designed to operate near this
fundamental limit. BLISS-SPICA is 6 orders of magnitude faster than the spectrometers on Herschel and
SOFIA in obtaining full-band spectra. It enables spectroscopy of dust-obscured galaxies at all epochs back to
the rst billion years after the Big Bang (redshift 6), and study of all stages of planet formation in circumstellar
BLISS covers 35 - 433 microns range in ve or six wavelength bands, and couples two 2 sky positions simultaneously.
The instrument is cooled to 50 mK for optimal sensitivity with an on-board refrigerators. The detector
package is 4224 silicon-nitride micro-mesh leg-isolated bolometers with superconducting transition-edge-sensed
(TES) thermistors, read out with a cryogenic time-domain multiplexer. All technical elements of BLISS have
heritage in mature scientic instruments, and many have own. We report on our design study in which we are
optimizing performance while accommodating SPICAs constraints, including the stringent cryogenic mass budget.
In particular, we present our progress in the optical design and waveguide spectrometer prototyping. A
companion paper in Conference 7741 (Beyer et al.) discusses in greater detail the progress in the BLISS TES
bolometer development.
The Experimental Probe of Inflationary Cosmology - Intermediate Mission (EPIC-IM) is a concept for the NASA
Einstein Inflation Probe satellite. EPIC-IM is designed to characterize the polarization properties of the Cosmic
Microwave Background to search for the B-mode polarization signal characteristic of gravitational waves generated
during the epoch of Inflation in the early universe. EPIC-IM employs a large focal plane with 11,000 detectors operating
in 9 wavelength bands to provide 30 times higher sensitivity than the currently operating Planck satellite. The optical
design is based on a wide-field 1.4 m crossed-Dragone telescope, an aperture that allows not only comprehensive
measurements of Inflationary B-mode polarization, but also measurements of the E-mode and lensing polarization
signals to cosmological limits, as well as all-sky maps of Galactic polarization with unmatched sensitivity and angular
resolution. The optics are critical to measuring these extremely faint polarization signals, and any design must meet
demanding requirements on systematic error control. We describe the EPIC-IM crossed Dragone optical design, its
polarization properties, and far-sidelobe response.
We describe the cryogenic system for SPIDER, a balloon-borne microwave polarimeter that will map 8% of the
sky with degree-scale angular resolution. The system consists of a 1284 L liquid helium cryostat and a 16 L
capillary-filled superfluid helium tank, which provide base operating temperatures of 4 K and 1.5 K, respectively.
Closed-cycle 3He adsorption refrigerators supply sub-Kelvin cooling power to multiple focal planes, which are
housed in monochromatic telescope inserts. The main helium tank is suspended inside the vacuum vessel with
thermally insulating fiberglass flexures, and shielded from thermal radiation by a combination of two vapor
cooled shields and multi-layer insulation. This system allows for an extremely low instrumental background and
a hold time in excess of 25 days. The total mass of the cryogenic system, including cryogens, is approximately
1000 kg. This enables conventional long duration balloon flights. We will discuss the design, thermal analysis,
and qualification of the cryogenic system.
Here we describe the design and performance of the SPIDER instrument. SPIDER is a balloon-borne cosmic
microwave background polarization imager that will map part of the sky at 90, 145, and 280 GHz with subdegree
resolution and high sensitivity. This paper discusses the general design principles of the instrument inserts,
mechanical structures, optics, focal plane architecture, thermal architecture, and magnetic shielding of the TES
sensors and SQUID multiplexer. We also describe the optical, noise, and magnetic shielding performance of the
145 GHz prototype instrument insert.
Spider is a balloon-borne array of six telescopes that will observe the Cosmic Microwave Background. The 2624
antenna-coupled bolometers in the instrument will make a polarization map of the CMB with approximately
one-half degree resolution at 145 GHz. Polarization modulation is achieved via a cryogenic sapphire half-wave
plate (HWP) skyward of the primary optic. We have measured millimeter-wave transmission spectra of the
sapphire at room and cryogenic temperatures. The spectra are consistent with our physical optics model, and
the data gives excellent measurements of the indices of A-cut sapphire. We have also taken preliminary spectra of
the integrated HWP, optical system, and detectors in the prototype Spider receiver. We calculate the variation
in response of the HWP between observing the CMB and foreground spectra, and estimate that it should not
limit the Spider constraints on inflation.
We describe SPIDER, a balloon-borne instrument to map the polarization of the millimeter-wave sky with degree
angular resolution. Spider consists of six monochromatic refracting telescopes, each illuminating a focal plane
of large-format antenna-coupled bolometer arrays. A total of 2,624 superconducting transition-edge sensors are
distributed among three observing bands centered at 90, 150, and 280 GHz. A cold half-wave plate at the
aperture of each telescope modulates the polarization of incoming light to control systematics. SPIDER's first
flight will be a 20-30-day Antarctic balloon campaign in December 2011. This flight will map ~8% of the sky to
achieve unprecedented sensitivity to the polarization signature of the gravitational wave background predicted
by inflationary cosmology. The SPIDER mission will also serve as a proving ground for these detector technologies
in preparation for a future satellite mission.
We present a concept for BLISS, a sensitive far-IR-submillimeter spectrograph for SPICA. SPICA is a JAXA-led mission featuring a 3.5-meter telescope actively cooled to below 5K, envisioned for launch in 2017. The low-background platform is especially compelling for moderate-resolution survey spectroscopy, for which BLISS is
designed. The BLISS / SPICA combination will offer line sensitivities below 10-20W m-2 in modest integrations, enabling rapid survey spectroscopy of galaxies out to redshift 5. The far-IR fine-structure and molecular transitions which BLISS / SPICA will measure are immune to dust extinction, and will unambiguously reveal these galaxies' redshifts, stellar and AGN contents, gas properties, and heavy-element abundances. Taken together, such spectra will reveal the history of galaxies from 1 GY after the Big Bang to the present day. BLISS is comprised of five sub-bands, each with two R ~ 700 grating spectrometer modules. The modules are configured with polarizing and dichroic splitters to provide complete instantaneous spectral coverage in two sky positions. To approach background-limited performance, BLISS detectors must have sensitivities at or below 5 × 10-20W Hz-1/2, and the format is 10 arrays of several hundred pixels each. It is anticipated that these requirements can be met on SPICA's timescale with leg-isolated superconducting (TES) bolometers cooled with a 50 mK magnetic refrigerator.
We present scientific rationale, concepts and technologies for far-IR (λ=35-600 μm) instrumentation for the
cryogenic single-dish space telescopes envisioned for the next two decades. With the tremendous success of
Spitzer, the stage is set for larger (3-10 meter) actively-cooled telescopes and several are under consideration
including SPICA in Japan, and CALISTO/SAFIR in the US. The cold platforms offer the potential for far-IR
observations limited only by the zodiacal dust emission and other diffuse astrophysical foregrounds. Optimal
instrumentation for these missions includes large-format direct-detector arrays with sensitivity matched to the
low photon backgrounds. This will require major improvements relative to the current state of the art, especially
for wavelengths beyond the 38-micron silicon BIB cutoff, We review options and present progress with one
approach: superconducting bolometers.
We highlight in particular the scientific potential for moderate-resolution broadband spectroscopy. The large
cold telescopes can provide line sensitivities below 10-20 W m-2, enabling the first routine survey spectroscopy
of the redshift 0.5 to 5 galaxies that produced the cosmic far-IR background. These far-IR-bright dusty galaxies
account for half of the photon energy released since stars and galaxies began forming, and the new far-IR
spectroscopic capability will reveal their energy sources and chart their history. We describe concepts for the
background-limited IR-Submillimeter Spectrograph (BLISS) designed for this purpose. BLISS is a suite of
R~1000 spectrometer modules spanning the far-IR range, and is under study for SPICA; a similar but more
capable instrument can be scaled for CALISTO/SAFIR.
We describe SPIDER, a novel balloon-borne experiment designed to measure the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) on large angular scales. The primary goal of SPIDER is to detect the faint signature of inflationary gravitational waves in the CMB polarization. The payload consists of six telescopes, each operating in a single frequency band and cooled to 4 K by a common LN/LHe cryostat. The primary optic for each telescope is a 25 cm diameter lens cooled to 4 K. Each telescope feeds an array of antenna coupled, polarization sensitive sub-Kelvin bolometers that covers a 20 degree diameter FOV with diffraction limited resolution. The six focal planes span 70 to 300 GHz in a manner optimized to separate polarized galactic emission from CMB polarization, and together contain over 2300 detectors. Polarization modulation is achieved by rotating a cryogenic half-wave plate in front of the primary optic of each telescope. The cryogenic system is designed for 30 days of operation. Observations will be conducted during the night portions of a mid-latitude, long duration balloon flight which will circumnavigate the globe from Australia. By spinning the payload at 1 rpm with the six telescopes fixed in elevation, SPIDER will map approximately half of the sky at each frequency on each night of the flight.
We have developed a completely lithographic antenna-coupled bolometer
for CMB polarimetry. The necessary components of a millimeter wave radiometer - a beam forming element, a band defining filter, and the TES detectors - are fabricated on a silicon chip with photolithography. The densely populated antennas allow a very efficient use of the focal plane area. We have fabricated and characterized a series of prototype devices. We find that their properties, including the frequency and angular responses, are in good agreement with the theoretical expectations. The devices are undergoing optimization for upcoming CMB experiments.
Minhee Yun, Jeffrey Beeman, Ravinder Bhatia, James Bock, Warren Holmes, Leonard Hustead, Timothy Koch, Jerry Mulder, Andrew Lange, Anthony Turner, Larry Wild
The High Frequency Instrument on the NASA/ESA Planck Surveyor, scheduled for launch in 2007, will map the entire sky in 6 frequency bands ranging from 100 GHz to 857 GHz to probe Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy and polarization with angular resolution ranging from 9' to 5'. The HFI focal plane will contain 48 silicon nitride micromesh bolometers operating from a 100 mK heat sink. Four detectors in each of the 6 bands will detect unpolarized radiation. An additional 4 pairs of detectors will provide sensitivity to linear polarization of emission at 143, 217 and 353 GHz. We describe the fabrication process used to meet the stringent mission requirements on sensitivity, speed of response and stability.
We report on the characterization of bolometers fabricated at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the High Frequency Instrument (HFI) of the joint ESA/NASA Herschel/Planck mission to be launched in 2007. The HFI is a multicolor focal plane which consists of 48 bolometers operated at 100mK. Each bolometer is mounted to a feedhorn-filter assembly which defines one of six frequency bands centered between 100-857GHz. Four detectors in each of six bands are coupled to both linear polarizations and thus measure the total intensity. In addition, eight detectors in each of 3 bands (143, 217, and 353GHz)couple only to a single linear polarization and thus provide measurements of the Stokes parameters, Q and U, as well the total intensity. The detectors are required to achieve a Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) at or below the background limit (formula available in paper)for the telescope and time constants of a few ms, short enough to resolve point sources as the 5 to 9 arc-minute beams move across the sky in great circles at 1 rpm. The bolometers are tested at 100mK in a commercial dilution refrigerator with a custom built thermal control system to regulate the heat sink with precision (formula available in paper). The 100mK tests include dark electrical characterization of the load curves, optical and electrical measurement of the thermal time constants and measurement of the noise spectral density from 0.01 to 10Hz for up to 24 bolometers simultaneously.
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