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A novel, anamorphic lens design, has been developed to provide the required Numerical Aperture; this lens will be paired with new, faster stages and more accurate sensors enabling Moore’s law economical requirements, as well as the tight focus and overlay control needed for future process nodes.
The tighter focus and overlay control budgets, as well as the anamorphic optics, will drive innovations in the imaging and OPC modelling, and possibly in the metrology concepts.
Furthermore, advances in resist and mask technology will be required to image lithography features with less than 10nm resolution.
This paper presents an overview of the key technology innovations and infrastructure requirements for the next generation EUV systems.
We show that a new definition of the Mask Error Factor needs to be used in order to describe correctly the property introduced by the anamorphic optics. Moreover, for both 1-Dimensional (1D) and 2-Dimensional (2D) features the reticle writing error in the low demagnification direction X is more critical than the error in high demagnification direction Y.
The effects of the change in demagnification on imaging are described on an elementary case, and are ultimately linked to the basic physical phenomenon of diffraction.
This is important for imaging at the edges of an image field when fields are printed very close to each other on the wafer (so-called butted fields, with zero field to field spacing). DUV light is reflected from the reticle black border (BB) into a neighboring exposure field on the wafer. This results in a CD change at the edges and in the corners of the fields and therefore has an impact on CD uniformity. Experimental CDU results are shown for 16 nm dense lines (DL) and 20 nm isolated spaces (IS) (N7 logic design features) in the fields exposed at 0 mm and 0.5mm distance on the wafer. Areas close to the edge of the image field are important for customer applications as they often contain qualification and monitoring structures; in addition, limited imaging capabilities in this area may result in loss of usable wafer space.
In order to understand and control OOB DUV light, it must be measured in the scanner. DUV measurements are performed in resist using a special OOB reticle coated with Aluminum (Al) having low EUV reflectance and high DUV reflectance. A model for DUV light impact on the imaging is proposed and verified. For this, DUV reflectance data is collected in the wavelengths range 100-400 nm for Al and BB and the ratio of reflectances of these materials is determined for assumed scanner and resist OOB spectra. Also direct BB OOB test is performed on the wafer and compared to Al OOB results. The sensitivity of 16 nm DL and 20 nm IS to OOB light is experimentally determined by means of double exposure test: a wafer with exposed imaging structures undergoes a second flood exposure from a DUV reflective material (Al or BB).
Finally, several OOB mitigation strategies are discussed, in particular, suppression of DUV light in the scanner (~3x improvement), recent successes of DUV suppression for 16 nm imaging resist (~1.8x improvement) and DUV reflectance mitigation in the reticle black border (~3.8x). An overview of OOB test results for multiple NXE systems will be shown including systems with new NXE:3350 optics with improved OOB suppression.
Black border, mask 3D effects: covering challenges of EUV mask architecture for 22nm node and beyond
Source power is the major challenge to overcome in order to achieve cost-effectiveness in EUV and enable introduction into High Volume Manufacturing. With the development of the MOPA+prepulse operation of the source, steps in power have been made, and with automated control the sources have been prepared to be used in a preproduction fab environment.
Flexible pupil formation is under development for the NXE:3300B which will extend the usage of the system in HVM, and the resolution for the full system performance can be extended to 16nm. Further improvements in defectivity performance have been made, while in parallel full-scale pellicles are being developed.
In this paper we will discuss the current NXE:3300B performance, its future enhancements and the recent progress in EUV source performance.
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